Shocking Video Shows McDonald's Worker Drying Dirty Mop Under French Fry Heat Lamp

Just when we thought we had seen it all, McDonald's sets the bar for the truly unbelievable—and gross.

In video that is blowing up on social media, a worker at McDonald's in Brisbane, Australia, can be seen drying a wet mop under a heat lamp used to keep French fries warm. And the craziest part is the alleged manager of the restaurant was the one drying a mop so close to food that would be served to customers!

The dirty deed, which was captured in a video sent to TMZ, was done in plain view of customers after the woman finished mopping the floor.

According to the person who shot the video, the mop-wielding worker was warned by a fellow employee, who told them, "I don't think you should be doing that as it could be a safety issue as it can catch on fire."

A McDonald's Australia spokesperson has confirmed that the shocking mistake has been addressed, but the damage has certainly been done.

Video of the incident has been reposted across social media and has received thousands of views. Some people on TikTok have even demanded that the McDonald's location be closed.

"Where is food hygiene here now? close that McDonald's for food safety rating man. That is really gross, if they doing this in front, then what are they doing where people can't see," read one comment.

Others have pointed out the broken health codes and questioned how a manager in charge of other staff members could conduct themselves in such a manner.

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