Shelby High School's Heydinger scores well on Americanism test, gets trip to D.C.

SHELBY — While Lilly Heydinger is planning to major in molecular biology in college, she is also a history buff.

The Shelby High School student posted the top score by a senior girl in the American Legion O'Brien Post's district on an Americanism test, earning her a trip to Gettysburg and Washington, D.C.

Each year, more than 60,000 students from more than 500 high schools in Ohio take the test, which measures their knowledge of federal, state and local government. They also write an essay on flag code.

Lilly Heydinger
Lilly Heydinger

Shelby High School Principal John Gies said Heydinger is believed to be the first student from the school to qualify for the D.C. trip, which took place from Feb. 26 to March 1.

"I didn't expect that at all," she said during an interview in the conference room of the high school library.

Heydinger said she loves history. She is taking AP U.S. history this year; she took AP government last year.

"I just like seeing the story of how we got here, all the history that went into it, everybody who had a part in it," Heydinger said. "How did we make so much progress in so much time with so many people involved?"

She and fellow students were delegates on the trip to Washington, D.C.

Visiting Arlington Cemetery moved Heydinger

The experience made an impact on Heydinger.

"The biggest highlight was going to Arlington (Cemetery) and doing the wreath ceremony," she said. "It was really powerful seeing two of my fellow students lay it. ... It was a lot."

Shelby High School senior Lilly Heydinger (r) and a fellow student delegate visited Arlington Cemetery as part of a trip for scoring highly on an American Legion Americanism test.
Shelby High School senior Lilly Heydinger (r) and a fellow student delegate visited Arlington Cemetery as part of a trip for scoring highly on an American Legion Americanism test.

Heydinger also enjoyed touring the Capitol building, which she called "gorgeous." She was impressed by the statues that represented each state.

She also got a bit of a feel for politics. Heydinger and her fellow delegates had a session with U.S. Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Troy), who has represented the 8th congressional district since 2016.

The students had the chance to ask a number of questions of the Air Force veteran, including his goals for the country.

John Terry is the 1st vice commander at O'Brien Post 326 in Shelby, as well as the Americanism chairman. He also is past commander of the post.

Terry, who also is involved with Buckeye Boys State, said he is impressed with Heydinger for going through Buckeye Girls State.

Heydinger helped Shelby Legion post with flags on Memorial Day

"That sets the tone for our future leaders," he said. Going above and beyond, she later returned to help collect the flags.

"She sorted out all the bad flags," Terry said. "She saved us a tremendous amount of work. She was extremely helpful."

With the trip behind her, Heydinger is focusing on the rest of the school year. She is a member of both band and choir, along with the Academic Challenge team and student council.

Heydinger also participates in Girl Scouts and 4-H.

"A lot of things I've accomplished have finally set in," she said.

Heydinger is a familiar name in Shelby. She is the youngest of five siblings and plans to attend Ohio Northern, where two of her brothers majored in pharmacy.

She still has a couple of months before graduation.

"It's been a little stressful, but it's almost done," Heydinger said. "I'm starting to enjoy it a bit more."

She is looking forward to life after high school.

"I think it will give me a lot of opportunities," Heydinger said. "It's also scary. I'm kind of not ready for it. This is all I've ever known for the last 12 years.

"It's scary, but it's fun."


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This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Shelby High School senior posts leading score on Americanism test