Selma Blair Reveals Mixing Wine and a Pill Caused Her 'Frightening' Plane Outburst

The actress explains that the combination led to her "psychotic blackout" on a flight last June.

“Bad choice all around. Totally own it. Will not happen again,” said Selma Blair of the incident that got her removed from a plane last June, when she was traveling with her four-year-old son and his father. In an interview on The Talk, the actress spoke candidly about the scary “total psychotic blackout," and explained that it was triggered by mixing alcohol and a drug that wasn't prescribed to her.

“I am someone that should never drink and I rarely do—I don’t drink anymore,” Blair said. “But I did. I was going through something, I had a glass of wine, someone gave me a pill that I thought was something I’d taken before, which I don’t take on a regular basis, it was something completely different.”

The combination led to a disruptive, irrational outburst onboard the flight from Cancun, Mexico. Blair was taken off the plane on a stretcher at Los Angeles International Airport. She said she was transferred to a clinic, where she was assessed and given an IV, and sent home two hours later.

Still rattled by the experience, Blair says she's abstained from drinking since: “I keep [the accident] alive in me every day," she said. "I forgive myself, but I keep it alive. Things can go really wrong, and humiliating.”

RELATED: Warning: Do Not Mix These Supplements

The dos and don’ts of drinking alcohol while on medication are confusing, especially since how the substances will interact depends on the type of drug, your personal medical history, and other factors. Generally speaking, it's best to err on the side of caution; even a small amount of booze can mess with a drug's effectiveness. But some combinations are riskier than others, of course.

To learn more, check out "Is It Safe to Drink Alcohol While on Medication?" and get a pharmacist's advice for seven common types of meds (from antidepressants to NSAIDs).