Sara Bareilles Shares Photos From Her Uterine Fibroid Surgery Recovery on Instagram

From Redbook

Waitress composer and singer Sara Bareilles shared her experience about uterine fibroid surgery on Instagram last night, posting a few pictures of herself on the mend in the hospital. Luckily, she seemed to be in pretty good spirits, joking about bingeing on Games of Thrones and eating turkey sandwiches while sedated.

"Surgery sucks but helpers and families are amazing, nurses are angels, and doctors are wizards," she wrote.

Uterine fibroids - non-cancerous tumors that grow on the uterus wall – are fairly common. According to The Department of Health and Human Services, 50-80 percent of women may have fibroids during their lives, with 20-50 percent of those women being of child-bearing age. And while they don't always cause symptoms, they can cause issues ranging from heavy menstrual bleeding and constipation to miscarriage and infertility if left untreated.

It seems, from Bareilles' post, that she had one (or possibly more) uterine fibroids surgically removed, but other treatments are also available, including certain medications, inter-uterine devices and minimally or non-invasive procedures.

No matter how minor a surgery, healing from body trauma can be an enlightening and introspective experience – and Bareilles spoke to that as well, saying, "In the silence and solitude of the simple task of my body seeking it's healed state, I have become vigilant about what I am intaking. Physically and metaphorically. Be careful about how much negativity and noise you heap on your plate. It comes in abundance, but there are other beautiful things at the buffet."

That's sound advice – especially from someone who may be hopped up on sedatives!

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