Sam from “Game of Thrones” reveals behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about the show and cast

Sam from “Game of Thrones” reveals behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about the show and cast

Sam from “Game of Thrones” reveals behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about the show and cast
Sam from “Game of Thrones” reveals behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about the show and cast

Because he’s on his way to becoming a MAESTER, we fully expect Samwell Tarly to know everything when it comes to Game of Thrones. Heck, we may even be ~seeing~ the story of the battle of Iron Throne through Sam’s very own eyes! (Not sure what I’m talking about? Check out this post here.)

Well, lucky for us, IRL Sam, actor John Bradley, knows a bunch of things too, and he recently did an AMA with Reddit talking about his experiences on Thrones.

2pm PST today! Ask him about TRADERS and not that show he's on.

Posted by Dark Sky Films on Dienstag, 19. Juli 2016

Here’s what we learned.

1. YES Kit Harington is super hot in real life, too.

jon snow battle of the bastards
jon snow battle of the bastards

“He’s more attractive in real life. If you’ve ever smelled him you’ll know what I mean.”

2. John loves working with a variety of directors.

sam game of thrones
sam game of thrones

“It’s always fascinating because you really have to adapt yourself to somebody else’s way of working. […] Directors influence you in different ways and you’re putting together a buffet of experience which you can pick your favorite parts from and add to your own process to take into your future work.”

3. John’s favorite actor is actually Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon).

sam stannis
sam stannis

“I got to do one scene with Stephen Dillane (who played Stannis) who isn’t just one of my favorites on the show, he’s just one of my favorite actors period. That day was a privilege and an education.”

4. The cast really are good friends outside of Game of Thrones.


“[…]we’ve spoiled each other when it comes to establishing close personal relationship as well as working ones. We think we’re gonna get on with everybody in our careers as much as we get on with each other. I think we all know how lucky we are.”

5. John would love to play The Penguin in a Batman movie.

penguin john bradley mashup
penguin john bradley mashup

“I’d really love to have a go at playing The Penguin in a Batman movie because I think it’d be so interesting to try and do a psychologically valid Penguin. He lives so much in the comic book world, it would be nice to try and find a way to give him some credibility and justification and make him a presence in the real world.”

6. John’s favorite episode of the entire show (so far) is “Battle of the Bastards.”

battle of the bastards
battle of the bastards

“I think the ‘Battle of the Bastards’ episode from last season was cinematic TV at its finest.”

7. John actually played a “bad guy” in the Irish film Traders, and loved it.

traders john bradley
traders john bradley

“It was exactly the type of project I wanted to do.[…] Plus I got to play the bad guy, which was kind of fun. It was just the kind of refresher I needed after being entrenched in GoT for four years. It was nice to get to touch upon a few colors from my palette that I hadn’t explored before.”

8. John loves chicken nuggets (DON’T WE ALL!?).

chicken nuggets john bradley
chicken nuggets john bradley

“I think with the mind of a soldier. Always go for something that you can eat in its entirety without leaving any trace of yourself behind. If you’re leaving a chicken bone, you’re giving away your position to the enemy.”

10. He’s obsessed with Louis C.K.

louis ck
louis ck

“At the moment I’m obsessed with Louis C.K. and the reason I’m obsessed with him is that he doesn’t let an audience be lazy. He’s constantly twisting and turning. His thoughts are so extreme and challenging, I find it exhilarating to listen to him.[…] He pulls you along on his train of thought whether you want to go or not.”

11. John didn’t grow to love books as much as his Thrones character Sam until he was ~older~.

sam game of thrones
sam game of thrones

“I’ve only discovered reading for pleasure relatively recently. It’s true that I didn’t read a book that wasn’t about football for pleasure until I was 16 years old, but just recently I’ve discovered a love of reading for pleasure. […] I think one of the great legacies of GOT is to encourage people to read things that they wouldn’t have thought were in their interest before. That’s certainly the case with me.”

12. John’s not really a “natural born fighter,” much like Sam.

sam scared game of thrones
sam scared game of thrones

“I’d probably rather fight one elephant sized white walker. I’m not a natural born fighter and I trust my ability to outrun an elephant quicker than I could outrun ten ducks. They’ve got flight as well…so they’d probably catch up to me. It’s not about which I’d rather fight, but which I think I could avoid fighting.”

13. He’d happily go back and re-film ALL of his scenes from Game of Thrones.

sam game of thrones
sam game of thrones

“I think if you asked any actor [they’d] want to go back and film all of [their scenes] again because you’re constantly evolving and constantly getting better. You should never quite be satisfied with your work because you should never think you’re as good as you’re going to get. As soon as you look at something and say, ‘I’m 100% satisfied with that” that’s when the journey ends.'”

14. And finally,the stars of the show try not to think about how HUGE a success it really is.

sam game of thrones
sam game of thrones

“I think when we’re actually making the show we’re so entrenched in the acting out of the scenes and doing our job we have to try and forget how much of a social phenomenon the show is.[…] We just have to focus on making it good and there is a whole army of people who deal with it being big.”

The post Sam from “Game of Thrones” reveals behind-the-scenes facts you never knew about the show and cast appeared first on HelloGiggles.