Russia hauls stolen grain from Kherson Oblast to Karelia — report

Stolen grain in transit
Stolen grain in transit

With assistance from Chinese and Kazakh companies, Moscow is now transporting stolen Ukrainian grain from occupied areas of Kherson Oblast to Russia’s Karelia, Ukrainian Yellow Ribbon resistance movement reported via Telegram on May 22.

According to the activists, China and Kazakhstan serve as buffer zones for Russia to circumvent Western sanctions and supply materials from abroad.

The message claims that the Russians are using stolen Ukrainian grain as "currency" to pay for the import of sanctioned goods.

According to an investigation by (Ukrainian anti-corruption NGO), a Russian state company has exported nearly 212,000 tons of grain from the occupied part of Zaporizhzhya Oblast in 2023 alone, with an approximate value of $46 million.

The grain is being transported to Turkey, Libya, and Israel, with European companies also implicated in the operation.

Read also: Journalists identify Russian ships carrying Ukrainian grain from Mariupol

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