Republican super PAC plans $30 million ad blitz for California House races

The GOP’s main super PAC for House races is poised to plow serious cash into California, earmarking $30 million for an advertising barrage in the run-up to the November election.

Congressional Leadership Fund, the outside group affiliated with Speaker Mike Johnson, announced on Wednesday its first round of ad reservations for the fall, booking more time in California than any other state.

The spending plans underscore the central role the Golden State plays in determining the balance of power in the House. California is home to six marquee races and a handful of others that could easily tilt into full-bore contests.

Republicans are largely playing defense here — protecting vulnerable incumbents such as Central Valley Reps. John Duarte and David Valadao, who both occupy seats won by President Joe Biden four years ago.

“For two cycles in a row, Republicans have succeeded in California by fielding quality candidates who resonate with their districts, while voters grow increasingly frustrated with harmful Democrat policies,” said the group’s president, Dan Conston, in a statement. “California is crucial to hold and grow our House majority, and this initial investment is the key first step in helping Republicans win this fall."

The $30 million roughly matches what the super PAC spent in the state two years ago, when California was an unexpected bright spot for the GOP as it won a slim majority in the House.

That cycle, Republicans had a clear advantage on the airwaves, after Democratic groups largely abandoned the pricey Los Angeles media market to spend elsewhere in the country. In 2022, House Majority PAC, the Democrats’ primary House super PAC, spent $11 million on advertising in California, according to AdImpact, a tracking service — a third of Congressional Leadership Fund’s on-air spending.

This time, Democrats have signaled plans for a much larger presence in the state. Over a year ago, House Majority PAC announced a $35 million program that includes television and digital ads, direct mail and grassroots organizing. Of that, $30 million in airtime has already been reserved.

“Over the last two years, House Republicans have become synonymous with a dumpster fire," said House Majority PAC President Mike Smith in a statement. "From their efforts to push a draconian nationwide abortion ban to failing to secure the border — Republicans have put the American people last time and time again. No amount of money can save them from themselves, and Democrats are going to take back the House in November.”

Both sides have dedicated the bulk of their buys to the Los Angeles market, which covers a number of competitive races, spanning from northern Los Angeles County — where GOP Rep. Mike Garcia faces a challenge from former Virgin Galactic CEO George Whitesides — to Orange County, where Republicans see a pick-up opportunity in the open seat held by Democratic Rep. Katie Porter.

In the Central Valley, the group is putting nearly $2 million toward Spanish-language media, a nod to the importance of Latino voters in the districts now held by Duarte and Valadao.

Outside groups, which can be charged more for airtime than candidates, aim to book their reservations far in advance of the fall election frenzy to lock in lower prices. Voters can expect the full force of the aid deluge to hit their televisions, streaming channels and internet browsers in September and October.