A reading plan for Holy Week

Mar. 23—Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week for Christians around the world. We have a lot to celebrate!

The week starts with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey with the masses waving palm fronds to greet him. Jesus continues to teach and pray knowing his true purpose is near, is blessed by a friend with an anointing of fragrance and betrayed by another for 30 pieces of silver. We remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. Good Friday is the crucifixion and death of Jesus, followed by Silent Saturday (although, I am sure it was not so silent in the spiritual realm) and then Resurrection Sunday.

It's a heavy week filled with symbolism, reflection and celebration. We break bread together and drink wine (or grape juice) in communion. We wash each other's feet to show servitude and humility to each other. And we worship and praise God together.

So to reflect on all of this, I borrowed this reading plan from Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Apex, North Carolina. Here's their website: https://cornerstoneapex.org. It's based on the book of Matthew.

PALM SUNDAY: Matthew 21:1-11

MONDAY: Matthew 21:12-17. Note: Mark 11:12, "On the following day," is why we place the cleansing of the temple on Monday and not Palm Sunday.

TUESDAY: Matthew 21:18 — 26:5. Matthew seems to have captured every minute of this day, which begins "in the morning" with the explanation of the cursed fig tree (vv. 18-22) and ends that evening with the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24-25.

WEDNESDAY: Matthew 26:6-16

THURSDAY: Matthew 26:17-75

GOOD FRIDAY: Matthew 27:1-61

SATURDAY: Matthew 27:62-66


Although we know the ending is full of joy, what leads up to the Resurrection is brutal. It's a time to reflect on the sacrifice made and the love that restores each of us to God.

Happy Resurrection Day for he has risen!

Sheila Selman can be reached at sheila.selman@goshennews.com or 574-533-2151, ext. 240311. Follow Sheila on Twitter @sselman_TGN.