Everything on Race Across the World goes wrong for Betty and James

Race Across the World's Betty and James face their toughest time yet

Everything on Race Across the World goes wrong for Betty and James. (Studio Lambert)
Everything on Race Across the World goes wrong for Betty and James. (Studio Lambert)
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Race Across the World's Betty and James come up against disaster after disaster on Wednesday's episode.

It got very emotional when James sobbed and asked the cameraman for a hug after tearful Betty confided in her brother about her health struggles. She was diagnosed with MRKH at 16 years old meaning she cannot have children after she was born without a uterus and with just one kidney.

Emotions were being tested as the siblings faced delay after delay, problem after problem on this leg, with the final just in sight. Viewers watching at home were gutted to see the siblings struggling against the odds and they lamented the pair had "the worst luck" on the BBC show.

Already Betty and James have had a tough time on the race. Notably, when James was robbed of his money belt and then later in the season when Betty lost her bag with her passport. However, the stakes were raised with the final looming.

Speaking to Yahoo, Betty said Race Across the World was tougher than the siblings could have ever prepared for.

She said: "When you talk about sleep and food and carrying a big backpack, you do think it's gonna be quite physical but actually the mental strain and how mentally tough it is to keep going for all that time every day.

"Waking up, not really know where you're gonna end up or where gonna sleep. Things like that. That's way tougher than I think we could have ever prepared for."

So where did it all go wrong for Betty and James this leg of the race as they headed to checkpoint in Jakarta?

Race Across the World's Betty and James come up against disaster after disaster
Race Across the World's Betty and James come up against disaster after disaster. (Studio Lambert)

Nine minutes into the episode it was revealed that Betty and James were running very low on money. They were now down to 9% of their budget.

Before this point, the cash-strapped siblings had no choice but to spend some time topping up on their funds if they want to have a chance of completing the last leg without running out of money.

Straight away they throw themselves into the job of making handmade cement and sand bricks. The workshop produces 600 a day. The pair admitted it had been a "culture shock" to them, struggling with being bitten by bugs and being without toilet paper.

Once they've put in a second shift the morning after, they planned to make the journey from Sungai Pagu to another job in Muara Ehim. However, they faced another disaster.

Race Across The World's James and Betty headed three hours in the wrong direction
Race Across The World's James and Betty headed three hours in the wrong direction. (Studio Lambert)

They get on a mini bus that costs them £5.71, taking them to nine percent of the budget remaining. On the bus, the siblings realised they weren't going in the right direction. In fact, they were heading three hours in the wrong direction towards the previous checkpoint in Bukittinggi.

"I feel like he's not taking us to the bus terminal," Betty said. Once they have conferred, they beg the mini bus driver to stop. He told them then that they were heading to Solok and the siblings must make a decision.

"I think they're very confident in where they are going," James said. "So if it means going backwards before going forward again."

The brother and sister agreed that they have to accept their fate they are heading to the town of Solok, even though it takes them three hours out of their way. "Solok, let's go!" Betty said. "At least we're moving."

Race Across The World's Betty and James
Race Across The World's Betty and James have fallen behind in the race. (Studio Lambert)

At Solok, the siblings seized the opportunity to go on the mammoth overnight bus which takes them all the way to Muara Enim. "We're going to get on this bus and wake up tomorrow exactly where we want to be!" Betty celebrated.

Unfortunately at 3am, they hit another disaster. A loud noise could be heard from inside the bus. "What the f*** was that noise," James asked Betty. The brother and sister pairing agreed the journey had been far from straightforward.

"Oh my god I can't cope," complained Betty. It turned out a tyre had "popped" and it had to be fixed. The siblings then had to get off the bus with the rest of the passengers in the middle of the night. Betty explained: "It fully popped." They arrive to their destination seven hours later than planned after they were hit with delays.

There was no time to rest as they had to get to their second job. "Twenty one hours on the road in that stupid bus," James said. "We finally made it... To the side of the road!" Betty agreed with James that the experience had been "awful".

On their way to the job, the car's tyre goes. "Holy s*** what was that?" Betty asked James. In shock after the loud noise, she clasped her hand to her mouth and grabbed hold of the seat in front of her. "This is not our day."

James said: "Another half day gone race wise, not showered, it's hot, sweaty... It's really p***ing me off."

Race Across the World's Betty
Race Across the World's fans said Betty and James were unlucky. (Studio Lambert)

Social media was awash with fans in disbelief at how much bad luck Betty and James had faced on the leg before the final. Among the comments, one person wrote: "Wow how unlucky are Betty and James #RaceAcrossTheWorld."

Another person wrote: "Highly unlikely, but really hope Betty and James win #RaceAcrossTheWorld. Not only are they the most likeable pair by far, but how unlucky can they get? Nearly losing their passports twice is on them, but to experience TWO tyre blow outs - on different buses - on a single leg?"

Someone else said: "With Betty and James's luck I'm worried that volcano is going to erupt #RaceAcrossTheWorld."

The shock was universal as another viewer penned: "Betty and James' luck, they can never catch a break! #RaceAcrossTheWorld."

Someone else wrote: "Two blown tyres?? how do betty and james have the worst luck lol #raceacrosstheworld."

More people said: "Imagine after having the least budget and also all the bad luck they have that betty and James go on and win #raceacrosstheworld."

Others were in agreement, someone else wrote: "Betty and James have had really bad luck but they’ve got each other and have a great relationship #RaceAcrossTheWorld."

Additionally another viewer wrote: "I swear James and Betty have the worse luck #RaceAcrossTheWorld."