Public to discuss new site for destroyed Lahaina school

May 19—1/1

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The Aug. 8 wildfire burned King Kamehameha III Elementary School.

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The state Department of Education will hold a community meeting Tuesday to discuss options for a permanent site for the King Kamehameha III Elementary School campus, which was damaged beyond repair in the Aug. 8 wildfires on Maui.

The meeting's goal is to get community feedback on the new location of the school as the school is rebuilt over the next several years, DOE officials said. Three possible location options will be presented at the meeting before community feedback will be heard.

King Kamehameha III school was on Front Street in Lahaina and was relocated in October to share the Princess Nahi'ena'ena Elementary School campus in October. A temporary site for the school opened April 1 on Akahele Street after being built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 95 days.

The Tuesday meeting will be held at 5 p.m. in the cafeteria of the temporary campus at 100 Akahele St.