Poland ‘considers’ shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine

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Polish flag

The Polish government is exploring the possibility of using its air defense systems to shoot down Russian cruise missiles over western Ukraine, Poland’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Pawel Wronski told Ukrinform news agency on May 22.

Commenting on recent statements made by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba regarding the possible involvement of Polish air defense systems in intercepting Russian missiles over Ukraine, Wronski confirmed that Ukraine had approached Poland with this initiative.

"This issue is being considered from legal and technical perspectives, but no decisions have been made yet," he said.

Wronski clarified that the matter was being discussed after a Russian missile violated the country's airspace in March, remaining there for 39 seconds.

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He noted that international law experts need to assess the potential legal implications of this action, as the missiles in question carry warheads weighing hundreds of kilograms and could cause significant damage upon impact.

Furthermore, technical experts need to evaluate and agree on the conditions under which these missiles could be intercepted.

He emphasized that there are no plans to physically move elements of Poland's air defense system into Ukraine.

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