Photographs Capture Hundreds of Landslides After Japan Earthquake

A 6.7-magnitude earthquake last week in Hokkaido, Japan, resulted in landslides that nearly reshaped the mountainous region. Aerial photos show the incredible number of landslides, which were likely caused by the combination of torrential rains the area has seen in recent months along with the tremors.

CNN reported that at least 39 people died because of the earthquake.

Japan has been the center of a number of devastating weather events and natural disasters in the last year. A Category 3 typhoon hit Osaka earlier last week, and a sweltering heat wave that sent over 22,000 people to the hospital also hit the region, the BBC reported.

In early July, the island of Honshu also experienced landslides and floods that claimed the lives of 200 people, according to CNN.

The summer has been especially harsh for Japan. As residents and rescue workers fight to return their homes back to normal, the unpredictable weather leaves people with an anxiety that these events might continue.