The One Spice You Should Be Using a Lot More of In Your Cooking

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From Country Living

Not only has consuming cinnamon been linked to lowering your blood sugar, but it also has "a lot of really important health benefits," according to a recent report from Time. So if you're only using cinnamon sticks during the holidays to make mulled wine, it's time to move that jar to the front of your spice rack using this simple trick to use it more often-and take all of your desserts to the next level.

In a recent post on Food52, renowned pastry chef and chocolatier, Alice Medrich, shared that she grates a bit of fresh cinnamon over "all kinds of desserts" to make them taste even better.

"Grating the stick puts the scent of cinnamon in the air, creating anticipation and a top note of flavor…without overwhelming the dessert with that flavor," Medrich writes.

"It's homey and stylish at the same time."

You can even pass the cinnamon stick and microplane grater around the table at a dinner party, "just as you might pass a chunk of Parmesan with certain pasta dishes or salads," Medrich writes. "It's homey and stylish at the same time."

So what kind of desserts does this work on? "It's positively breathtaking over warm brownies," according to Medrich, but this trick also works on lots of other kinds of treats including:

Sounds delicious, right? We can't wait to try this at our next dinner party and see what our guests think.

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