One Of The 'Coldest April Storms' Brings Late Season Snow To California

Colin McCarthy, or US Stormwatch on X/Twitter, has forecast 3-6 inches of snow across the highest peaks of the Bay Area.

McCarthy also predicts that snow totals have increased across the Sierra with 6-12+ inches possible above 3,000 feet and up to 2-3 feet possible above 6,000 feet in the Central Sierra. See below.

It seems the snow doesn't stop there. "Yosemite Valley will be a winter wonderland" with 11-21 inches of snow in the forecast for today.

Palisades Tahoe is predicting 1-2 inches for Thursday night, with 1-3 inches on Friday and another inch to top things off Friday night.

For the Central Sierra, Mammoth is predicted to see 10 inches of snow in the next 5 days (holding true to McCarthy's forecasting that the Central Sierra will see more snow).

The KCRA 3 weather team is also calling Thursday an "Impact Day" for the Sierra because of travel impacts from the snow. While many areas saw rain initially, conditions changed to snow as the temps dropped, painting roads white and lessening visibility for drivers.

KCRA predicts that snow will remain steady above 4000 feet through 7:00 pm. Travelers should expect slow driving and chain controls through Thursday night.

Friday will have on and off snow showers with minimal new accumulations, but chain controls may remain over the summit for certain windows.

Donner and Echo summits will see about 5 to 8 inches of snow. Accumulations at 4000 feet will be held to 1 to 3 inches.

The highest elevations will see an additional 2 to 4 inches on Friday.

Any amount of snow is appreciated in April, as long as everyone is driving safe and planning accordingly.

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