Oklahoma faces onslaught of mosquitoes, flies and spiders this summer

Oklahomans can expect an especially bad invasion of mosquitoes, flies and spiders this summer.

The National Pest Management Association released its U.S. Spring & Summer 2024 Bug Barometer® forecast Wednesday, warning of increased populations of pests like ticks, mosquitoes, ants and more throughout the country.

The National Pest Management Association released its U.S. Spring & Summer 2024 Bug Barometer® forecast on March 20, 2024.
The National Pest Management Association released its U.S. Spring & Summer 2024 Bug Barometer® forecast on March 20, 2024.

Mosquitoes will likely come out earlier than usual. NPMA entomologists say the increased pest population throughout the U.S. will be fueled by erratic weather in the winter and an especially warm spring.

“The U.S. has experienced some wild weather this year. We’ve seen everything from heavy snowfall to extreme flooding and even unseasonable warmth in some areas,” said Dr. Jim Fredericks, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at NPMA. “While we typically anticipate an increase in pest activity during the spring and summer, these conditions, paired with warm temperatures and rainfall on the horizon, can create the ideal conditions for pest populations to boom.”

According to the forecast for the South Central U.S. (which includes Oklahoma), a "warm and rainy spring could create the perfect standing-water conditions to give mosquitoes a jumpstart on the season."

Increased rainfall throughout the warmer months "may also lead to ideal conditions for flies and spiders to thrive," according to the NPMA forecast.

To prevent pest issues this spring and summer, NPMA recommends keeping kitchens clean, storing food in airtight containers and lifting boxes off of the floor to prevent pests from residing in undisturbed areas. Homeowners also should seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home, repair ripped screens and eliminate any areas with standing water and overgrown grasses on their property.

“If you suspect a pest issue in or around your home be sure to call a pest control professional who can identify the issue and recommend a course of treatment that will work best for your property. DIY treatments are not recommended as they can often make pest issues worse,” said Fredericks.

This article originally appeared on Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise: Oklahoma braces for more mosquitoes, flies and spiders this summer