You Can Now Do Iskra Lawrence's Ab Workout

Photo credit: YouTube
Photo credit: YouTube

From Redbook

One of the dumbest misconceptions about exercise is that it's primarily for weight loss. There are tons of perks to working out, including feeling good and being a healthy human being, something you might be aware of if you've ever finished a spin class and thought I feel freaking amazing. Working out is a way of taking care of your body, not punishing it mercilessly.

And on that note, Iskra Lawrence - your favorite body pos model - has shared her ab workout with her followers on YouTube, after lots of her requests from her followers.

"Many of you have asked so finally I have made you a video of my fave AB exercises!" she wrote in an Instagram post. "It's also real time so literally I'm working out with you zero edits so you can see how I get it innnn."

It's a 5-minute ab workout that, in true Iskra Lawrence fashion, is devoid of any editing. It's real! As for the workout itself, it's a compilation of her favorite moves, including toe touches and bicycles and work with a resistance band. She also says it's her first workout video, which suggests that she'll be sharing more of her workouts online.

That's awesome. Not only is Lawrence a fun personality to watch online, she also continues to help debunk the myth that you don't need to be an emaciated toothpick to be healthy and strong. Plus, Lawrence has a super-healthy attitude when it comes to working out: She's not obsessive about it. Rather, she incorporates it into a healthy lifestyle. Wouldn't it be nice if all workout instructors encouraged such a healthy attitude towards exercise and body image?

You can watch (and try!) the full workout below.

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