Nonprofits may apply for part of $10K being offered by Exchange Club for Orrville projects

The Exchange Club of Orrville will mark its centennial milestone in 2024 by allocating $10,000 for community outreach and support.

To make a positive impact, nonprofits are invited to submit project proposals for consideration. Organizations can showcase their initiatives and vie for a share of the grant to further their work within the Orrville community.

Interested candidates should send project synopsis to Exchange Club, P.O. Box 64, Orrville 44667. The deadline for the first round is June 1, with donations to be given by June 30. The second deadline is Sept. 1 with money given by Sept. 30.

Exchange Club will focus grants on its four pillars − Americanism, community service, youth activities and prevention of child abuse.

Northwestern Ruritan Club scholarship winners are Ella Saal, left, Alyssah Fisher, Lillian Wakefield, Madalyne Hunt, Quinn Fast, Luke Walton and Tristan Miller. Not pictured is Logan Garman.
Northwestern Ruritan Club scholarship winners are Ella Saal, left, Alyssah Fisher, Lillian Wakefield, Madalyne Hunt, Quinn Fast, Luke Walton and Tristan Miller. Not pictured is Logan Garman.

Northwestern Ruritan Club

Scholarship winners and the Outstanding Business of the Year were recognized at the May 13 meeting of the Northwestern Ruritan Club.

Scholarship winners are Northwestern High School graduating seniors Quinn Fast, Alyssah Fisher, Logan Garman, Madalyne Hunt, Tristan Miller, Ella Saal, Lillian Wakefield and Luke Walton.

Each will receive $750 in October if they are enrolled in a school of higher learning.

With this year's funding presentation of $6,000, it brings the grand total to $182,180 that has been presented to 463 students over the past.

The Tegmeier Farms received the Outstanding Business recognition this year. Randy Tegtmeier accepted the award and gave an inspirational presentation. He, with his father and uncle, are farming many acres in the Congress area. Some of the acres were established by his grandfather, Harold Tegtmeier. Randy Tegtmeier also is in farm seed sales and raising and selling pumpkins.

Tegtmeier is a NWHS graduate and was a recipient of a Ruritan scholarship. He went to The Ohio State University where met his future wife, Heather. They have three sons.

Tegmeier Farms is this year's Northwestern Ruritan Club's Outstanding Business, represented by Randy Tegmeier.
Tegmeier Farms is this year's Northwestern Ruritan Club's Outstanding Business, represented by Randy Tegmeier.

In club business, it was noted this is the 55th anniversary of the club, with the charter night being in May 1969. Bob Criss and Jerry Payn are the lone charter members.

Thank you notes were received from the Mohican Church Grocery Bag Ministry for the donated sausage and from Ella Saal and Luke Walton for their scholarships. The club will donate funds to Wayne County Rails to Trails as a sustaining members.

Parade of Flags, about 350 flags so far), will be put out before Memorial Day and left out until after Independence Day. Husky Brigade packages to area soldiers were sent May 14. Volunteers are needed for the roadside trash pick-up on June 11 on state Route 301 between Pleasant Home and Lattasburg roads. Helpers will meet at the Middle School parking lot at 9 a.m.

The next dinner meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 10, at the high school. Directors will meet at 6 p.m.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Record: Orrville Exchange offers grants, Ruritans present scholarships