Netherlands set for most right-wing government in years

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STORY: :: File

The Netherlands is set to have its most right-wing government in decades.

On Wednesday, Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders said four parties had reached a deal...

:: November 22, 2023

...almost six months after a major election victory.

Wilders had already forfeited the position of prime minister to get the parties to the table.

"We have an agreement among negotiators," he said.

Talks had dragged on for months since Wilders’ upset victory in November.

Immigration, finances and climate were among the key sticking points.

:: May 2005

Wilders has influenced Dutch immigration policy from the opposition benches since 2006 and is known for his outspoken views on Islam.

Although in recent months he has toned down the anti-EU and anti-Islam rhetoric, and has dropped opposition to military support for Ukraine.

Also in the coalition: outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s center-right party, a new centrist party and a farmers’ protest party.

They’ll have a strong majority: 88 seats in the 150-seat Lower House.

A potential candidate to head the new government, according to Dutch media...

:: File Ronald Plasterk.

He’s a Labour party veteran who led some of the coalition negotiations.

One analyst says pinning down a prime minister could prove problematic - adding the coalition could be inherently unstable.

:: November 22, 2023

Wilders rode a wave of anti-immigration and anti-establishment sentiment to his largest electoral win after Rutte announced his departure from Dutch politics last year.

He blamed a housing shortage on flows of asylum seekers.

And tapped into concerns over the cost of living and the healthcare system.

The incoming government is widely expected to bring in stricter asylum migration policies.

Wilders has close ties with other European populists such as Hungary's Viktor Orban.

He’s made promises of lavish spending on healthcare and to lower the retirement age.

But budget constraints make it unlikely the other parties will all support these plans.