We are a nation divided, but it has always been so

As Memorial Day approaches, many of us focus on the wonder of America and more importantly on those valiant warriors who stand in her defense every day. Our banners, our sentiments and our public sentiments are for those legions of America’s finest who paid the highest price to keep us safe, Bless them everyone.

A crowd of around 400 people came to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 29, 2023, at Coral Ridge Cemetery in Cape Coral.
A crowd of around 400 people came to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 29, 2023, at Coral Ridge Cemetery in Cape Coral.

Amidst all of the waving flags and hearing the eye-wetting bugle renditions of “Taps,” we are conscious of the reality that In America today, we are a nation divided. Feelings run deep for various causes. Support for various candidates is passionate and rigid of purpose.

A crowd of around 400 people came to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 29, 2023, at Coral Ridge Cemetery in Cape Coral.
A crowd of around 400 people came to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 29, 2023, at Coral Ridge Cemetery in Cape Coral.

As troubling as this might appear to us, it was always so in America. We are a nation born in the fires of revolution. Throughout our history, there have always been periods of great division. And even during the greatest of these periods, the American Civil War, we survived and came back even stronger. And in this country, you get to say what you think, without fear of a knock on the door at 2 a.m. and an invitation to a multi-year stay at a resort facility in Eastern Siberia.

Joseph Xavier Martin
Joseph Xavier Martin

In this great land of ours, those who are willing to work can still achieve success by dint of effort. It is possible, for the sons and daughters of working men, to get great educations and rise up through the ranks to become professionals and successful businessmen. Though there are spotty pockets of poverty in our land, most Americans have food to eat, available medical care and a decent place to call home. In many nations of the planet, this is not so. Hunger and disease in the world afflict much of the population.

The complicated matrix of our society, composed of over 325 million souls, is multi-racial, multi ethnic and differently purposed. Americans, more than almost any other nationality are individualistic. They like to do things “their way.” Yet, somehow, we manage to not only take care of our own but look out for millions of others on the planet. Not many other nations are so generous.

In the history of the world, there has never been a country so noble of purpose and generous of spirit as America. Military cemeteries around the world, filled with the remains of the finest men and women we produce, are mute testimony to our resolve and our commitment to freedom. Many find fault with who and what we are. Not so, I. I know that we live in the greatest country on the planet.

May the good Lord continue to guide us in our destiny and help us continue to be that bright shining light of democracy and freedom in a world that much needs our help and our leadership. May God Bless these United States of America and all of her valiant defenders.

Joseph Xavier Martin is a resident of Estero.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: We are a nation divided, but it has always been so