More People Estimated to Have Attended the Women's March on Washington Than the Inauguration

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty


There are no conclusive numbers about the turnout at the Women's March on Washington yet. The AP is citing a city official who estimates that about half a million people showed up to protest, which is more than double the number expected by march organizers.

And there are no conclusive numbers on the turnout for Donald Trump's inauguration. Some outlets have estimated 250,000. In a meeting with the CIA today, President Trump called those numbers "a lie" and said that "It looked honestly like a million and a half people, whatever it was, it was, but it went all the way back to the Washington Monument."

But here's what is known conclusively:

The DC Metro reports that as of 11am on January 21, metro ridership was around 275,000.

For comparison, the ridership on January 20 by 11am was around 193,000.

And here are two EarthCam shots of the National Mall via CNN:

Photo credit: EarthCam
Photo credit: EarthCam
Photo credit: EarthCam
Photo credit: EarthCam

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