This Month's "Sugar Moon" Is The Last Supermoon Of 2019, So Don't Miss It

Photo credit: Jose A. Bernat Bacete - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jose A. Bernat Bacete - Getty Images

From Delish

As far as years go, 2019 has been quite the opportunity for stargazing-from January's Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse (say that five times fast) to February's Full Snow Moon, we've had our fair share of spectacular celestial sights. If you aren't sick of them yet, just wait until March's exciting planetary event-the Full Worm Moon.

What is a Full Worm Moon?

Also known under names like the Crow Moon, Sap Moon, Sugar Moon, and Lenten Moon, the Full Worm Moon is the last full moon of the winter and basically signals the start of spring-it's finally here!-which is when temperatures rise and earthworms begin to surface, hence the name. This full moon is also a supermoon, meaning it'll be the closest to the Earth at that time than it was the whole month of March.

When will it take place?

This full moon is the third and final supermoon for the rest of 2019, so if you missed the first two in January and February, be sure to catch this one-it's your last chance of the year. It's set to fully form on March 20, 2019 at 9:43 p.m. Eastern Time, so mark your calendar. It falls on the same day as the vernal equinox, which signals the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

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