Mom records Animoji of herself coughing uncontrollably and we're screaming

Parents and technology aren't always a match made in heaven. But, one mother's attempt to use Animoji to send a message to her daughter went hilariously wrong when she succumbed to a coughing fit mid-way through the message. 

SEE ALSO: Apple has officially jumped on the Animoji karaoke bandwagon

Twitter user's @nmariesinclair video of her mother's disastrous-yet-brilliant Animoji fail went viral, gaining more than 6million views, and almost 370,000 likes. 

"Y’all. my momma was trynna send my sister an animoji and this is what happened. I died," she wrote on Twitter. 

ICYMI, the iPhone X allows users to transform their 10 second audio messages into animated emoji, which mimic their facial expressions and head turns. 

"Hey princess, I'm on my way home, I'm getting the Chick-fil-A, OK?" says the mom just before she starts coughing. 

The Animoji didn't end there. After the video went viral, the sick mom sent @nmariesinclair an Animoji message of her own. 

"You know, Naomi, your mom has bronchitis and you made me go viral," she says, before coughing uncontrollably yet again. 

Get well soon!

WATCH: The most useless gadgets of 2017 49bd ba5f%2fthumb%2f00001 49bd ba5f%2fthumb%2f00001