This Mom's Viral Hack for Getting Babies to Take Medicine Is Pure Genius

Photo credit: Helena Lee
Photo credit: Helena Lee

From Good Housekeeping

Mary Poppins recommended a spoonful of sugar for getting the medicine down, but one British mom's tip for administering infant medications seems a lot more practical (and probably healthier!) when it comes to a run-of-the-mill fever.

Helena Lee, a nurse practioner, posted it on Facebook yesterday as a PSA to all parents with little ones. She'd been struggling to give her baby Calpol — an acetaminophen like Tylenol — for 24 hours. Each time she'd try to administer a dose to baby Alfie, he would end up "covered up in half of it."

The she remembered seeing a clever trick. With the unfamiliar syringe disguised in the nipple of a baby bottle, the child didn't think twice about it. "Not one bit got wasted," she wrote. Even better, there were no tears!

Moms couldn't get enough of this simple tip, with over 110,000 people sharing her post and tagging their friends. After all, it doesn't require anything more than what most parents already own. Others chimed in with more insider tricks, like putting the syringe at the corner of the mouth or using a special pacifier-like dispenser designed just for this purpose.

But before you rush to put this genius idea to use, call your doctor first. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises talking to your pediatrician before you administer any medicine to a child younger than 2. An expert can help you calculate the proper dose (based on the toddler's weight, not age) and answer any questions as needed. Parents should generally use the dosing device that comes with the medicine to measure, never regular teaspoons or tablespoons.

Used correctly, acetaminophen can help a child with a fever feel a lot more comfortable — but only if the medicine goes down, of course.

[h/t Scary Mommy

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