Mila Kunis had a 'blowup' with Ashton Kutcher's relative over Trump

Mila Kunis knows a thing or two about the challenges that come with having politically varying in-laws. The Spy Who Dumped Me star joined the podcast WTF with Marc Maron recently and revealed that she had “one blowup” ahead of the 2016 presidential election with husband Ashton Kutcher’s family.

“It’s very hard, it’s different. I had one blowup — one — with one member of the family that I love so dearly, so very much,” she revealed of Kutcher’s Iowa-based relatives, although she didn’t name which family member she tangled with. “And we both just so strongly, so vehemently disagreed on a specific issue that to me, is very important.”

When asked what the issue was, she replied, “Women’s rights, which sounds so stupid to say, like, ‘Oh but to me it’s important, but to you it’s not.’ I don’t know why it wouldn’t be.”

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, Donald Trump. (Photos: Getty Images)
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, Donald Trump. (Photos: Getty Images)

Kunis said the family member couldn’t acknowledge the effect now-President Trump (without naming him) would ultimately have on such an issue. “To this other person it wasn’t a question… Like, ‘He’s not going to do anything against women’s rights.’ I was like, ‘No, but he is. These are the things that will happen if he wins.'”

“And it just wasn’t of a priority — not that it wasn’t even priority, I shouldn’t say that, it wasn’t probable [to this person] that anything was going to happen,” Kunis explained. “That’s not the point of this, the point was something else. And I was like, ‘Right, but by default this is the s*** that’s going to go down.’”

Maron noted how people sometimes don’t think two steps ahead.

“There’s no rationale,” Kunis remarked. “Here’s the one thing I’ve learned. No, you can’t ask for a rational… Like, ‘So, why don’t you vote for Hillary?’ ‘Cause she’s a bitch.’ ‘Why’s she a bitch?’ ‘I don’t know.’ But then we can’t have an educated — I don’t mind disagreeing, you and I don’t have to agree, but let’s have an educational debate.”

Kunis has made her political stance clear. In fact, she makes monthly donations to Planned Parenthood in Vice President Mike Pence’s name.

“I was always going to donate to Planned Parenthood anyways. I just then thought it would be funny,” she explained of her choice. Apparently, people who oppose Planned Parenthood have decided to get back at her by donating to a different cause in her name.

“So there’s an address that’s listed online that’s not necessarily my personal address, but it’s listed as if it’s my personal address. And so then people started giving donations to the opposing side, which I didn’t even know there was one,” she revealed, without naming the organization. “I don’t want to promote it, whatever it is. So people just started donating in my name to them and so the mailbox of this one person who, it’s not my personal address, thousands of envelopes daily would come. Thousands! And you know what, in return I’m like, at least I’m proud of people for putting their money where their mouth is. Donate to your cause… I’m not mad at it.”

Kunis has spoken out against Trump and his policies before, like his stance on immigration and his rhetoric surrounding the issue.

“The whole Syrian-refugee thing — we came here on a religious refugee visa, and I’m not going to blow this country up. I’m clearly paying taxes, I’m not taking anything away,” Kunis told Glamour, adding, “So the fact that people look at what’s happening and are like, ‘Pfft, they’re going to blow s*** up’? It saddens me how much fear we’ve instilled in ourselves. And going from there to the whole, “Hey, let’s build a wall between Los Angeles and Mexico”… I don’t even have to answer that one. There’s no point. It’s a really great sound bite. And it got him far. Nobody should be mad at him; we did it to ourselves.”

Here’s hoping the Kutchers go with the old “no political talk around the dinner table” mantra during the holidays.

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