Meet Wally Funk, the woman cheated out of the space race

'Whatever they wanted me to do, I’d do it'
'Whatever they wanted me to do, I’d do it'

In 1961, when 22 year old aviator Wallace ‘Wally’ Funk headed to an astronaut test centre in Albuquerque, New Mexico with $10 in her pocket, she was hell bent on being one of the first women in space. There, she successfully passed rigorous physical tests, including ice cold water being poured into her ears and electric shocks, before becoming one of the Mercury 13 - the collective name for the 13 American women who had passed the Lovelace Women in Space Program.

Those early astronaut tests have become the stuff of space history legend. No one knew how the body would respond to the unknown environment of space; the intrusive tests pushed wannabe astronauts to their physical limits. The worst, Funk, who presents new BBC World Service documentary The First Woman on the Moon, recalls, “was when they put that ice water in my ear for 15 seconds and they had me strapped down. [That] really hurt....but I was not a crybaby.” 

The physical tests passed by the Mercury 13, designed by NASA consultant Dr William Randolph Lovelace, were the same as those undertaken by the men who ended up on Nasa’s first successful human space mission, Mercury 7. Like their female counterparts, the members of the male team were also experienced pilots, though several of the women - Funk included - had clocked up more flight hours than John Glenn, who would become the first American to orbit the moon. None, however, had jet experience as women were not allowed to fly jets at the time. 

But it was all for naught when, after the Lovelace Program’s private funding was pulled, Funk was cheated out of her rightful place in space history.

Loud voiced and forever on the move, Funk is now 78 and often wears red, white and blue, usually in the form of the US flag on a space shuttle mission patch stitched onto her blue flight suit. No wonder she is often mistaken in public for the astronaut she wanted - and still wants - to be. 

Wally Funk
'I carried on flying, but I don’t quit'

“I was an astronaut candidate,” she tells anyone who asks as we walk around Cape Canaveral’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, checking out the exhibits. For her, it is a reminder for her of what could have been. 

“I carried on flying, but I don’t quit,” says Funk. “From there I asked doctors where I could go and get the other [astronaut training] tests, and went all over the US to do them.”

It is no surprise, then, that when it came to the punishing physical tests, “whatever they wanted me to do, I’d do it” - including setting a record for both men and women by spending 10 and a half hours in an isolation tank. The Mercury 7 were selected in 1959 from 18 of the successful 32 men. By 1961, 13 out of 19 women had passed the same physical and physiological tests with “no medical reservations” - 12 per cent more than those who had done so from the opposite sex.

Wally Funk
The strain of astronaut training cost one hopeful her marriage

In 1962 two of those women, Janey Hart and Jerrie Cobb, brought the case for female astronauts to a Subcommittee meeting in the US House of Representatives. At a time when few women worked in areas outside teaching, nursing or secretarial work, several prolific men testified against the idea, including astronauts John Glenn (who said it was “against the social order”), Scott Carpenter and aviator Jackie Cochran; the matter was abruptly closed. A year later, Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space, while America had to wait another 20 years for Sally Ride.

The space race, for Funk and her female American counterparts at least, felt all but lost. Some of the Mercury 13 lost their jobs to take part in the tests; the strain cost one woman her marriage. After it was over, Funk completed the final phases of the tests herself, which included further challenges such as a high altitude chamber test and experiencing a centrifuge. Her aim was to be ready for NASA’s call to become a female astronaut, something she was long “expecting that to happen.” The call never came.  

Funk had spent her childhood outdoors in the Taos Mountains hunting, fishing and shooting - so adept at the latter skill that she won several awards, and was only prevented from joining the Olympic skiing team by a back injury. She loved flying, and later became an aviator - work that she suspended, and then took back up, after her pursuit of space backfired. She gave flying lessons and took part in numerous air races, before spending three years in the mid-60s travelling around Europe, Africa and the Middle East in a camper van.

At a glance | Britons in space

On her return to the United States, she qualified as the first female Federation Aviation Authority inspector in 1971, which involved travelling the country to determine the cause of air accidents; in 1974, she became the National Transportation Safety Board’s first female Air Safety Investigator.

I first met Funk in 1997, two years after she was inducted into the Aviation Women’s Hall of Fame. I was making a radio documentary on the Mercury 13 and had tracked down five of them; Funk, then in her 50s, was indignant about the injustice, but also the most positive. She was the only one who still intended to go into space and kept applying to NASA. “But you know what kept me back? I didn’t have the engineering degree.”

In the spirit of a woman who will try anything once, last year Funk agreed to present her first ever radio programme for the World Service, at the age of 77, the award-winning Women with the Right Stuff on the history of women in space.

Earlier this year we travelled to Cape Canaveral, France and Germany for our second radio documentary, The First Woman on the Moon. It examines the commercial future of lunar travel from the perspective of a woman who, if given her chance over 50 years ago, might well have become the first woman on the Moon herself. 

At the European Space Agency (ESA) Astronaut Training Centre in Cologne, astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti thanked Wally for making hers and other women’s careers possible. In Paris, ESA director general Jan Woerner grinned with excitement. A civil engineer by training, Woerner admitted that telling the interview panel about the Mercury 13 - something they hadn’t known about - helped get him the top job. Afterwards, Woerner described his encounter with Wally as “inspiring”.

But that’s the effect Funk has on everyone. She is a genuine trailblazer who aims high and does not give up. Right now she is an impatient ticket holder waiting to fly on Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spaceplane, because “going up into space would satisfy me no end.” 

She is sanguine about her as yet fruitless attempts to be launched into space. But she does not want others to be deterred. “You have to remember the only thing the a woman needs to compete in a man’s world is ability,” she says. “And to keep on and on and on and not let anybody stop you.”

The First Woman on the Moon is on BBC World Service Radio, 7pm Saturday 18th/12 GMT Sunday 19th November.