Meet all five Richland County Council candidates in the June 11 SC primary election

The State opinion team interviewed more than 50 political candidates ahead of South Carolina’s June 11, 2024, primary election, and we present Q&As with all five Richland County Council candidates below. Early voting begins May 28. This year there are two candidates on the ballot in each of Districts 3, 7 and 10 in the Democratic primary election, but Taneshia Horne has suspended her campaign in District 7. She said her name will still appear on the ballot but she stopped campaigning because she lives outside the district and could not serve if elected. The primary election winners will serve four-year terms starting in January because no Republican or other candidate filed to run for these seats. Every candidate was emailed five questions and given 250 words for each answer as part of our endorsement process. We are publishing these interviews first so readers can assess the candidates on their own.

If you have questions about our interviews or eventual endorsements, email me.

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Richland County Council District 3: Little vs. Williams

Tyra Little
Tyra Little

Tyra Little

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: As a candidate for Richland County District 3, my top three priorities are:

  • Community empowerment and engagement: I am committed to fostering transparency and community engagement in local governance. By increasing accessibility to government information, enhancing communication channels, and encouraging resident participation, we can ensure that the voices of all community members are heard and valued in decision-making processes.

  • Economic opportunity and development: I will prioritize initiatives that promote economic growth and development in our district. This includes supporting small businesses, attracting new investment, and providing workforce development opportunities to equip residents with the skills needed for success in today’s economy.

  • Enhanced quality of life for seniors and youth: I recognize the importance of supporting our senior population and investing in the future of our youth. I will work to expand senior services, such as healthcare assistance and social programs, while also implementing comprehensive youth development programs that offer academic support, mentorship opportunities and recreational activities.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: My approach to growth and development in Richland County District 3 is collaborative and sustainable. I will work closely with community stakeholders, including businesses, nonprofits and government agencies, to develop comprehensive growth strategies that prioritize economic progress while preserving our natural resources and enhancing the quality of life for residents. This includes investing in infrastructure projects that improve connectivity, efficiency and safety while promoting sustainable transportation options such as public transit and biking/walking pathways. Additionally, I will support initiatives that revitalize neighborhoods, attract new investment and create job opportunities for residents.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: To improve transportation and infrastructure in the county, I will:

  • Invest in infrastructure maintenance and repair to ensure safety and reliability.

  • Expand public transit options to provide accessible, affordable and efficient transportation for residents.

  • Implement sustainable transportation initiatives like bike lanes and pedestrian pathways to reduce congestion and promote environmental sustainability.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?


  • Implement community policing initiatives that foster trust and collaboration between law enforcement and residents.

  • Support mental health services and initiatives that address underlying issues contributing to crime and social instability.

  • Utilize data-driven approaches to identify trends, allocate resources effectively, and implement targeted interventions to address specific public safety challenges.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: Voters should choose me over my opponent in this election because of my proven community leadership and advocacy track record. I have a demonstrated commitment to serving the needs of our district, as evidenced by my work on initiatives such as South Carolina Bill H 3116, now Act No. 116, which provided property tax exemptions for disabled veterans and their spouses. With my background in criminal justice and legal studies and the ongoing pursuit of a master’s degree in social work, I bring diverse skills and experiences to the table. I am dedicated to effecting positive change and improving the lives of all residents in Richland County District 3.

Christa Williams
Christa Williams

Christa Williams

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: My top three priorities are affordable housing opportunities, safety and improving the quality of life in our neighborhoods.

Housing is a major concern around the country and in Richland County. Our senior citizens on fixed incomes make up a large portion of our voter base in the county. As a councilwoman, I want to ensure that we are working with developers, Realtors and property owners to ensure that we are maximizing the use of our housing inventory efficiently and affordably. The decisions around housing that are made today will affect our future generations. Richland County should be attractive to first-time home buyers and growing families.

Safety in our communities is a major concern nationwide and in Richland County. We have an elected sheriff who is responsible for the “boots on the ground” in terms of safety within our county. As a councilwoman, I will support the sheriff through policies, procedures and ordinances to ensure that our communitie are safe, that our youth are productive, and that we are proactively working with lawmakers to ensure that Richland County is successful in terms of the laws of our state.

As a councilwoman on Richland County Council, I will ensure that the county is promoting a good quality of life for our residents. I will ensure that our small business practices are fair and business friendly, our parks and after school programs are growing, our roads in our community are consistently maintained, and we are attracting job opportunities to Richland County.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: As we grow as a county, I will ensure that the citizens who helped to build the county have an enriched quality of life through affordable living, have job and business opportunities, and have safe communities. I believe that growth in our county is important, and I will work hard to ensure the best outcomes for our citizens, I will also look at ways that we can utilize the talents within Richland County to produce revenue and promote tourism which can help to decrease the overall tax burden on our businesses and households.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: As we know, the penny tax supports infrastructure projects, public transportation (i.e. the Comet), sidewalks, roads, etc. If the penny tax is on the ballot and the citizens of Richland County vote for this, I will ensure that the percentage that is allocated for District 3 and the referendums of how the money is being spent is available to taxpayers. I will ensure that these funds are used to make our communities cleaner and safer and that citizens have reliable public transportation to safely get back and forth to work, school, medical appointments and leisure travel.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Richland County is a government body that elects a sheriff to promote public safety. As a councilwoman on Richland County Council, I will support the sheriff’s safety initiatives and ensure that his/her office has all of the tools and policy assistance that is needed to make our county safe and successful. I will also work with our state and city elected officials to ensure that we are promoting laws and ordinances that protect law enforcement, our business community and our neighborhoods. I believe it is important to support law enforcement initiatives that promote education for youth and rehabilitation of our ex-offenders.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: I, Christa Williams, will be the voice of the community on Richland County Council. I will not ignore you and will return your phone calls. I will work hard for you and the needs of your community. I would like you to know that I am a phone call away: 803-378-0182. As the owner of Uncle Willie’s Grocery Store, I am accessible and available, and everyday that I go to work, I am working to build relationships with the community. My experiences working in corrections and as a South Carolina National Guardsman have prepared me to fight for the everyday working person. As a small business owner, the business community in Richland County will have representation because our voices matter.

Richland County Council District 7: Barron

Gretchen Barron
Gretchen Barron

Incumbent Council member Gretchen Barron

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?


1. Improve infrastructure

• Support and promote smart growth

• Repair roads and bridges

2. Economic and workforce development

• Attract and grow businesses that strengthen our local economy

• Create sustainable systems and partnerships

• Connect workforce development to economy development

3. Invest in and enhance public safety

• Support law enforcement

• Promote safer communities

• Work with law enforcement and community leaders to support programs that combat youth violence

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: From day one of my term, I have supported smart growth. I think it is critically important that residents know what is being proposed to be built in their communities and how it could possibly impact their day-to-day lives. I have done this by conducting town hall meetings for EVERY rezoning that has been proposed in District 7. These town hall meetings allow the applicant to share their intent with the “neighbors” and for the “neighbors” to ask questions. I take this information and use it for the basis of how I vote on the proposed project. This approach has been positively received both by the “neighbors” and applicants as I take into consideration the current comprehensive plan, future proposed plans for the district, and how the project may impact Richland County as whole.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: Continuing to invest in our local transportation system is critical. Many depend on our transportation system on a daily basis and without it would not have the means to get to work, doctor’s appointments and even school in some cases. I also would like to continue to invest to improve our major roads, dirt roads and sidewalks, and bridges, many of which are in less than good condition and require significant repair. Keeping our infrastructure up-to-date is not only crucial, it is essential to our safety and security. We must continue our work to build the best transportation systems possible, and recommit to investing in infrastructure to improve safety and mobility. Because safer infrastructure systems foster economic growth and improve system efficiency.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: While County Council does not govern the Sheriff’s Department, I am a firm believer in ensuring that they have the resources needed to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. While I have been on County Council, we have increased the salaries of our law enforcement officers, funded the 911 Call Center and supported mental health programs, to name a few big items. However, as an individual member, I collaborate with and support organizations that are involved with the day-to-day operations of reducing gun violence. How have I done that over the past four years? By providing funding and partnering with organizations that are providing services and programs to address crime reduction, by providing youth activities that provide supplemental community activities, by creating a youth board to serve as an advisor to organizations that are addressing crime reduction, and by providing Safety Sundays that teach self-defense techniques and gun safety tips.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: It has been an honor to serve the residents of Richland County District 7 on County Council for the past four years. I would like to thank the residents for entrusting me with this responsibility. During my first term, we have:

• worked to regain the trust of the residents of Richland County and reshaped the narrative of our success while leading through transparency. Richland County Council experienced many successes. I encourage you to watch the 2023 Year In Review which highlights the accomplishments.

• continued to recover from COVID-19. Richland County Council invested $16 million back in our community by supporting local nonprofits and businesses.

• experienced economic development success. Our county brokered one of the largest economic development deals in our state’s history bringing over 4,000 jobs to our area. Richland County is changing the landscape of our community through our economic development projects.

There’s more work to be done, but we’re positioned to continue to move Richland County forward. I would like to personally ask for your continued support.

Richland County Council District 10: English vs. Reese

Incumbent Council member Cheryl English

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?


Infrastructure: As we continue to work on paving roads, and the water and sewer systems, these structures are needed to expand and have any services in the area. Without clean running water and sewage, restaurants, hospitals and the like will not be able to operate. For continued growth to occur, there is a need to accommodate increasing traffic. Expansion of these systems and roads is essential to growth and development.

Economic development: Economic development continues to remain at the forefront as sustainable employment is a great need for citizens to have improved quality of life. As growth occurs, economic development creates new job opportunities. I am extremely proud to be working with Cirba Solutions on the new battery plant. This plant will recycle batteries with no environmental harm to the surrounding area. In bringing this development in, we are also focusing on workforce development and ensuring sustainable employment. This company along with Scout Motors and others are working with colleges and high schools to train potential employees and provide opportunities.

Workforce and affordable housing: We need to have affordable housing for individuals and provide options for those whose income would be entirely consumed by housing expenses. It is important for people to be able to work, have a positive quality of life and afford things they are working to attain. Being able to have a place to live, a “sanctuary,” gives people a feeling of accomplishment and provides a foundation to build their lives and grow their families.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: My approach to growth is to create those needed services alongside residents, making sure families have access to transportation and services within reasonable distances. As a rural community, it is also important for agriculture to remain impactful as well as enhancement of wetlands. Smart growth takes into consideration the needs, citizen input and overall structure of the existing community.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: Continue working with the Comet on its current plan to expand services to the rural communities. One major factor is the passing of the penny tax. This would ensure citizens have the ability to access needed services (hospitals, grocery stores, schools, doctor’s appointments, etc.) and are able to get to work.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: Continue working with the Sheriff’s Department on its plan to provide communities with improved services and visible access to its office. Currently working with neighborhood associations that have (and personally know) the officers who serve in their areas. The residents have their personal cellphone numbers, and officers have built positive relationships with them. At every monthly meeting, officers brief residents on trends, what to look out for, important things to do regarding safety, and overall vigilance required to remain safe. Also continue to include the Sheriff’s office on growth, economic development and changes in the area. The Sheriff’s office is in charge of protecting and serving, and making this relationship seamless is essential.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: Upon serving these past years, I have been able to turn negatives into positives and make important and needed changes to ensure the goals set for Richland County have been and are being attained. I have rebuilt relationships, improved services, been instrumental in securing economic development, listened to the voices of my many neighborhood communities, and worked tirelessly to ensure District 10 is moving forward. We have set council strategic goals and outlined specific plans. We are accomplishing our goals and the strategic plan can be tracked by residents. We have created a dashboard to follow those plans and for citizens to see what phase we are in. This council works well together, and we have the citizens as our first priority. Transparency is not just something we say, but what we do. I want to see District 10 continue to move forward and address the needs of the citizens. I have always worked in my community and now as a representative, I want to continue focusing on the needs of the residents I serve. I understand that we must continue working with existing services, such as the Sheriff’s Department, the bus system, the city, the state, other legislators, school districts, agencies, organizations, etc. It is through these relationships that we not only achieve our goals, but build on and expand on needed services.

DeAnta Reese
DeAnta Reese

DeAnta Reese

Q: What are your top three priorities and why?

A: Community engagement, economic/workforce development, and sustainable communities, including infrastructure needs, are vital areas of focus here in District 10, and reflect the core concerns and aspirations of its residents.

Community engagement is crucial for fostering trust, collaboration and accountability in local governance. Actively involving residents in decision-making processes ensures that policies and initiatives reflect the diverse needs and perspectives of our community.

This engagement leads to greater ownership of shared goals and fosters a sense of belonging and cohesion among residents here in District 10.

Economic and workforce development are essential for driving prosperity and improving quality of life. Attracting and supporting businesses, promoting entrepreneurship and investing in workforce training and education will create opportunities for sustainable employment and economic growth. This will strengthen our local economy, enhancing individual livelihoods, while also generating revenue to support vital public services and infrastructure projects.

Sustainable communities prioritize responsible stewardship of our natural resources and promote resilience in the face of environmental challenges, ensuring healthy and vibrant community for future generations.

Infrastructure needs are fundamental to supporting the growth and development. It is essential for facilitating commerce, improving connectivity and safety and well-being of our residents.

In sum, focusing on community engagement, economic/workforce development, sustainable communities, reflects our commitment to building a thriving, resilient and inclusive Richland County District 10. By addressing these key areas, together, we can create a stronger, more prosperous future for all residents here in Richland County.

Q: What would be your approach to growth and development?

A: The foundation of growth and development in District 10 should begin with a comprehensive strategic growth plan and also, updated evaluations of the neighborhood strategic growth plans in the Lower Richland, Olympia Mill and Woodfield communities.

District 10 is a diverse district, and growth is necessary for sustainability. As a community, we understand that we can embrace growth, while not sacrificing the character of our communities. Growth and development should be rooted in balance, sustainability and preservation of the unique character of each neighborhood.

In the rural communities of District 10, families are seeking strategic growth that respects their desire to maintain the charm and tranquility of rural living, while also providing essential infrastructure and economic development opportunities.

I will continuously be an advocate for responsible development that prioritizes preserving green spaces as well as agricultural and natural habitats. This may involve incentivizing sustainable farming practices, including farm-to-table eateries. In areas of the district where growth may be more pronounced, an emphasis should be placed on smart growth principles that include walkable communities, mixed land use, and access to public transportation.

Overall, I would take into account the diverse needs and aspirations of our residents. By fostering collaboration between stakeholders, implementing thoughtful planning policies and prioritizing infrastructure investments, we can achieve sustainable growth that enhances our quality of life while preserving the unique character of our community.

Together we can build a better future today.

Q: How would you improve transportation and infrastructure in the county?

A: Improving transportation and infrastructure requires a strategic and comprehensive approach that addresses various needs across the county. If the penny tax is passed, funding allocations may need to be reevaluated.

In the 21st century, and in a moment in which we tout the largest economic investment in Richland County’s history, we have families who on a good rainy day can’t be accessed by emergency services, school buses or anyone else, due to road conditions. This is totally unacceptable. District 10 borders five other districts, with most, if not all, sharing resources with the city of Columbia. The residents of District 10 rely on 95% of their services coming from the county, resource distribution should reflect such. Eighty-seven-year-old constituents should not have their front yards flooding, due to the debris in the drainage.

I am committed to prioritizing the paving of dirt roads while integrating smart surface practices, such as permeable pavements and cool pavements, to enhance energy efficiency, reduce heat island effects, and minimize stormwater runoff. This not only improves road quality but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

In underserved communities, the lack of sidewalks presents safety and accessibility challenges. Therefore, I propose targeted initiatives to expand sidewalk networks, ensuring safe pathways for pedestrians, including children walking to school and residents accessing essential services. These efforts aim to promote enhanced community connectivity and improve public health and safety outcomes.

I will advocate for strategic investments in public transit infrastructure, creating a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Richland County.

Q: What specifically would you do to improve public safety?

A: When I envision public safety I envision a multifaceted and community-oriented approach. I think it is imperative that we are investing in holistic strategies that address root causes such as poverty, lack of access to financial resources and mental health care, along with other systemic inequalities. I pledge to be an advocate for increased and equitable funding for social services, affordable housing initiatives and community development programs.

I will continue the work we are currently engaged in, building trust and being a part of facilitating purposeful engagement with public and private partners. We have to provide hope and purpose for our youth, as we see younger violent offenders here in Richland County. It’s imperative that I recognize what each individual community aspires to be, through committed partnerships with grassroots organizations. Overall, my approach to improving public safety here in District 10 centers on proactive, community-driven, evidence-based solutions that address the underlying issues. I pledge to be a leader who is responsive and engaged, a model of success and growth. Together we can build a better future today.

Q: Why should voters choose you over your opponent in this election?

A: I certainly respect the work our council lady has done. It doesn’t look like it’s been easy. As I speak to more of my community members, I am hearing a sentiment brewing that’s thirsting for change they can believe in, hope, and a vision for OUR Future.

With all due respect, there is a distinct difference in this race. If you are satisfied with the direction and growth in our community, I offer you a personal conversation. However, if you are like the many families I have spoken to recently, you, too, realize this is an absolutely important moment. Your children’s and your children’s children’s future is at stake. They are counting on you.

I am equipped with innovative ideas, open ears, proven leadership and a deep commitment to serving the needs of this community. This is my community. I am indebted to you for what you have given to me. I know your frustrations. I live your daily struggles. Yet, I also understand your resilience and passion to see your community grow. I realize your desires to see your children have aspirations of building a family here because new opportunities exist for young professionals’ families.

With a track record of grassroots advocacy and inclusive leadership, I pledge to prioritize innovative solutions to address the pressing issues facing our district. As a forward thinker, with a genuine passion for making a difference, I am ready to work tirelessly because I believe together we can build a better future today.