Mayor talks growth, future in State of the City

ELKHART — In his first State of the City address since starting his second term as mayor, Mayor Rod Roberson discussed the accomplishments his administration made in his first term.

“It is most humbling and such an honor to be re-elected to serve, unopposed for this term,” he said. “Now, we have the opportunity to build on the groundwork that was laid the past four years and I’m really, really excited about it.”

The mayor cited the changes his administration made when he stepped into office. He said that prior to taking office in 2020, the city was in turmoil.

“After becoming mayor, I was committed to building accountability and transparency within the police department,” Roberson said. “Changing the dynamics between the council and administration, providing equitable investment all over the city, and reopening a reimagined Tolson Center.”

Elkhart Police Department said citizen complaints are down 50 percent from last year. His administration also worked hard to build trust between the police department and the community again, he said.

Speaking to about 240 people at the Crystal Ballroom in the Lerner Theatre, Roberson noted the progress the city has made over four years of his administration and highlighted plans for the future.

“Together, we have come so far the last four years,” Roberson said. “We are appreciating the arts, we are walking and fine dining, we are enjoying the city together.”

The mayor noted the investment the city will be making in structural renovations that have been put off. He also announced private sector plans for a new Chick-Fil-A restaurant.

He talked about the city’s plan to extend an offer to buy the former Chase building at 121 W. Franklin St. to centralize public safety.

“The structure is sound, and we will make necessary renovations,” Roberson said. “Our police, fire and 911 teams will finally have the modern, efficient working space they deserve. The time is right, the place is right and we know it’s the right thing to do.”