Marionville man to stand trial on child porn, drug charges

May 24—MOUNT VERNON, Mo. — A 51-year-old Marionville man has been ordered bound over for trial on charges of possessing methamphetamine and child pornography.

Judge Matthew Kasper decided at a preliminary hearing Thursday in Lawrence County Circuit Court that there is probable cause for Levi O. Tapp to stand trial on felony counts of possession of child pornography and possession of meth. He also faces a misdemeanor count of possession of drug paraphernalia in the case.

A probable-cause affidavit filed with the charges states that Aurora-Marionville police went to the defendant's home on April 4 in response to a report of illegal burning.

The officer who made contact with Tapp spotted what appeared to be meth on a table top and asked him what it was, according to the affidavit. Tapp purportedly admitted that it was some meth that he was preparing to smoke.

He was arrested at that point on suspicion of possession of meth and an active warrant. The affidavit states that the child pornography charge was added when Tapp gave an officer consent to examine his cellphone and four videos allegedly were found of girls who appeared to be underage performing sexual acts.

The court set May 28 for Tapp's initial appearance in a trial division.

Jeff Lehr is a reporter for The Joplin Globe.