Marching for peace, protesters end up being manipulated

As I mentioned last week, the soldiers of the IDF seemed in marked contrast to the hate filled rapists and their campus supporters taking joy in the brutal murders of October 7.  Asked about the complicit nature of Hamas supporters in Gaza, he was adamant about the goal of protecting civilians.  He then gave this example.  Following a battle, his group was told that an ambulance was coming to collect the enemy dead and they should hold fire. When the ambulance arrived, his team watched as Hamas fighters climbed out and planted bombs while the ambulance crew removed the bodies.  One can imagine watching the enemy plant bombs and holding your fire because they were part of a humanitarian mission.  But as the soldier said, "That is who we are."  (Later reflecting on what he said, I thought about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah when for the sake of 10 righteous, the entire city of evildoers could be spared. Now for the sake of the 30% who did not support Hamas, as many civilians as possible should be spared.  Although I could be reading too much into it.)

Michael Raab
Michael Raab

The only worry expressed by any of the soldiers was that the U.S. would not let them destroy Hamas.  That U.S. politics would allow Hamas fighters to regroup and, as they promise, attack again.  They are concerned the U.S. will not take Hamas at its word when as is repeated on U.S. college campuses they promise 10,000 more October 7.

The concern is that the U.S. and others do not acknowledge that until destroyed, Hamas operatives will kill anyone working for peaceful coexistence with Israel.  This was confirmed when Hamas fired rockets at U.S. soldiers trying to build a pier to deliver aid and again when the crossing, also open to provide humanitarian aid, was attacked.  There can be no peace for Israel with Hamas, or other Islamist group, controlling Gaza or the West Bank and calling for the destruction of Israel.

The compassion for the suffering caused by war has been coopted.  The protests and politicians pressuring Israel have given hope to and empowered Hamas.  It enables Hamas to resist freeing the hostages and prolongs the war and suffering it is meant to end.   The humanitarian concerns driving marches for peace are misguided.  The protesters ignored that it was Hamas, not Israel that broke the ceasefire in place on October 6.  It is Hamas that refuses to release the hostages or even allow the Red Cross to see them.  Hamas continues to launch rockets at civilian targets in Israel.  Hamas operates from inside schools, hospitals, mosques and private homes making those buildings military targets.  Ignored are the reports of Hamas fighters threatening and shooting at civilians who try to leave combat areas while at the same time stealing the humanitarian aid for themselves or stealing and selling it to the people the protesters believe their chants help.  It is Hamas causing the suffering and they are the ones that need to be appealed to, not Israel.

Yet, around the world there are  widespread protests against Israel. The protesters, thinking they are marching for peace, end up being manipulated. Soon some college students were chanting “Hitler had it Right” and “Gas the Jews” with peaceful protests threatening Jewish students. I guess these peaceful protesters never heard of trigger warnings or safe spaces.

Next week the true meaning of a "Free Palestine."

Michael Raab, M.D. is a resident of Sanibel.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Marching for peace, protesters end up being manipulated