Manny MUA Transformed Himself Into Jeffree Star for Halloween, and It Was Spot On

From Seventeen

Jeffree Star's top five favorite things, in life are: 1. weird highlighters, 2. his dogs, 3. his boyfriend, 4. the color pink, and 5. Manny "MUA" Gutierrez.

He and Manny are top-level besties; the two routinely team up for slay-tacular makeup tutorials, and they basically go on vacation together every week.

So when Halloweekened rolled around, it was only fitting that Manny ~transformed~ himself into Jeffree. And being Manny, he totally nailed the look, pink wig and all.

He even brought out Jeffree's classic tutorial poses.

Honestly, I dare you to name a more iconic duo.

I'll wait....

Watch the full tutorial here!

Follow Kelsey on Instagram!

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