Man charged with spray-painting McFarland City Hall, police station

A man was charged with vandalizing the McFarland Police Station on Saturday, according to a search warrant and the Kern County Superior Court website.

According to the warrant from the McFarland Police Department submitted to the courts, Steven Michael Henry was arrested Monday after he was suspected of spray-painting the front doors of the police department and City Hall building on Saturday.

After he spray-painted the doors with gold spray paint, Henry cut the ropes on the United States and California flags and pulled them down, according to the warrant. Officers located the flags, spray paint and ropes at Henry’s home and identified him using video surveillance footage, according to the warrant.

According to the court website, Henry was charged Tuesday with two counts of vandalizing property worth more than $400, one count of criminal threats, one count of threatening a school officer or employee and one count of dissuading a victim to testify, all felony charges. Henry is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday for his arraignment.