So Long, Bachmann Campaign; Hello 'Lallymander' Trailer

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your fiveminutes (or less) of attention. Today: Michele Bachmann's campaign in brief, local news shenanigans in Green Bay, and a terrific first-glimpse at Lallymander. 

RELATED: Budget Battle Is Over, If You Believe Michele Bachmann's Blog Post

Michele Bachmann sensibly dropped her White House bid today after she placed sixth in Iowa last night, despite winning the Ames Straw Poll over the summer and cutting a last-second campaign spot where she compared herself to the worst quarterback in the NFL. Daily Intel does a stellar job distilling six months of Bachmania into a brisk two-and-a-half minute recap  [Daily Intel]

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They run a pretty loose ship at NBC 26 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, as evidenced by this video of an anchor being tricked into quoting a line from Anchorman on live television. That wouldn't fly up at 30 Rock, where fire alarms have been known to go off in the middle of Brian Williams' newscast, but only by accident. [BuzzFeed]

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If we learned anything from the first season of Boss, it's that a terrific teaser can be assembled from a season of below-average television and that its best to at least watch an entire episode before becoming irrationally excited about a dark new drama. Then we saw the trailer for Lillyhammer, which begins streaming on Netflix next month, and immediately started wondering about the Emmy protocol for original programming carried on a streaming video service. (Also: Stevie Van Zandt!)  [Netflix Originals]

And finally, if you're driving home tonight, a reminder to watch out for black ice and always -- always -- turn into a skid. If you're unclear why, reference this cell phone footage (with NSFW language) from one of the cars involved in a yesterday's 30-car pileup in West Virginia. [Ishin Yamaha via Jalopnik]