Lodi Library celebrates Diede family's community contributions

May 25—Last year, Diede Construction donated its time and labor to remodel the Lodi Public Library's Community Room, which included removing the carpet and laying down new hardwood floors.

The cost of the entire project — some $26,000 — was underwritten by the company, much to the surprise of library director Akiliah Manuel.

On Thursday, Manuel wanted to repay the Diede family for their generosity by hosting a celebration in the community room in their honor.

"Lodi is very unique, and one of the most philanthropic communities I've ever encountered," she said. "So when I shared my desire to have new floors, I was pleasantly surprised to encounter (the Diede) family."

Manuel said Jake and Taylor Diede, who oversaw much of the project, were constantly contacting her, asking what colors she would prefer in the remodeled room, or what kind of materials she'd like to use.

It was the kind of service Manuel said she had not experienced with other organizations.

"Typically when a company, or people, are willing to donate something, you don't receive a level of customer service because they're helping you out," she said. "I was absolutely overwhelmed and humbled at the level of customer service with Jake and Tay. (The family) are a blessing to us, and we just hope this is an extension of your legacy, and that the library's legacy continues on."

Manuel expressed her desire to revamp the community room to her staff about a year ago.

She said the community room was the heart of the library, and thought it was too "serious" for its function, which was to encourage patrons to stay and enjoy the facility.

The decades-old carpet had been stained from frequent foot traffic, as well as spills from crafting projects.

Manuel wanted to replace the carpet, as well as create a wall mural to make the community room more welcoming to library patrons.

Shortly after the library's Books, Brews and Bubbles event in March of 2023, Diede Construction reached out to Lodi Library Foundation president Stuart Krengel to discuss ways it could support the library.

By May, the Diede family was meeting with Manuel on a regular basis to get the project off the ground. The room revamp was completed last fall.

"It's not just about the library, it's about the entire city," Lodi Interim City Manager Andrew Keys said. "The library is part of the team effort, and the city provides services to the community, and we know the impact goes much beyond the library. Being a partner with the city in so many different efforts, providing this wonderful facility here, that's going to be enjoyed for many generations... we just want to thank you and know that Lodi is blessed to provide this type of resource for years to come."

Not only did Diede Construction remodel the community room, but it placed new floors in the library's J Room and hallway leading from the foyer to the book store.

When it comes to gratitude, gifts, time and treasure, Krengel said there are many people in Lodi who exemplify those attributes. But none are like the Diede family.

Jessica Ramirez (Diede) said a friend once asked her if she realized her family was different than others in Lodi, something she had never really thought about.

"I don't know if I've ever really recognized how important that is," she said. "I don't feel like we're different, but we are. I appreciate every single one of you and I appreciate the legacy the ones in front of us have given us. And that is the heart of giving back, and understanding where we come from, and what it is to be able to give back and support others around here."

Jake Diede said the family's generosity is similar to what was displayed in the 2000 film "Pay it Forward" starring Haley Joel Osment and Kevin Spacey,

In the film, Osment's character creates an idea of repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done for others.

"No matter what we do, we always pay it back to our community," Diede said. "Whether we're coaching kids, or we're donating, or we're helping nonprofits ... we have a lot of things we're involved in. So we're very pleased to be a part of this floor that we have, and that everybody will use."