This Little Boy's Honest Reaction to Finding Out He Was Going to Be a Big Brother Is Hilarious

From Redbook

Telling your kids you're pregnant can elicit....mixed reactions. There's the kid who's absolutely thrilled to be a big brother or sister, and then there's the kid who wants nothing less than to share their parents' love with another human.

For one kid, the idea was almost too overwhelming and he didn't know what to think. In a clip uploaded to YouTube by Kyoot Kids, two parents show their son an ultrasound and the mom asks if he can tell what it it is. "What's that?" she says. "Is that a baby?"

The boy looks obviously confused (I would be, too, TBH, because at that point, babies are literally just blobs of black and white static. The mom continues, "That's the baby in mommy's belly."

When they ask their son what he thinks, he looks up at his parents and responds, completely deadpan, "I'm undecided."

This is about the most diplomatic response anyone could give to this news, which is particularly impressive considering it's coming from a boy who looks no older than four. Props to him, because he is obviously mature beyond his years. If my parents told me they were pregnant, I'm pretty sure I'd throw a fit.

I bet his parents were looking for a little more excitement from their son, but, hey, at least he didn't throw a tantrum or cry like the kids in these videos.

Not-So-Happy Pregnancy Announcements

These kids are seriously not stoked about the big news.

Posted by Redbook Magazine on Thursday, January 28, 2016

[h/t Huffington Post]

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