Lions Bridge in Newport News to close for several months starting Tuesday

Starting Tuesday, the Lions Bridge in Newport News will be closed for significant construction as the city enters Phase 3 of the Lions Bridge Dam Improvements project.

The city says this closure affects Museum Drive and Museum Parkway. The city’s contracted vendor will install a new concrete roadway, build the dam’s cutoff wall, and relocate a waterline.

During the construction period, a detour will help motorists navigate around the closure. The pedestrian path that runs along Lions Bridge and connects to the Noland Trail will remain open during construction.

City spokesperson Kim Bracy says the Lions Bridge Dam will be closed to vehicular traffic until Aug. 9. She said that construction should be complete by the summer of 2025.

Improvements to the dam for Mariners’ Lake include the armoring of the entire downstream embankment, rehabilitation of the outfall culvert, and construction of a low level inlet structure to control the lake level and discharge from the lake.

The city website says these improvements are necessary to the dam receiving certification of operation and maintenance from the State Department of Conservation and Recreation, Dam Safety Division.

Josh Janney,