Lima council discusses stray dogs, approves parking enforcement

May 20—LIMA — Lima residents who have been voicing complaints about parking violations in their neighborhoods may soon see change following Monday night's city council meeting.

Council agreed to let Mayor Sharetta Smith hire an additional police officer to help enforce existing parking regulations.

"In our current environment, we just have a part-time officer who does not work nights and weekends," Smith said. "It is an additional step to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood."

Councilman Jon Neeper applauded the mayor for taking the initiative on the measure.

"A lot of community members have been violating these ordinances," he said. "It does nothing but clutter the neighborhoods. One person starts doing it, and then everybody does it."

Smith added that the complaints centered on parking in yards and treelines after 5 p.m.

Council also heard from Donna Glover, a Fifth Ward resident voicing concern for loose dogs causing a nuisance in her neighborhood.

Councilwoman Carla Thompson said she was familiar with a group of dogs whose owner allowed them to roam and recommended the neighborhood concerns committee to discuss the problem.

Councilwoman Peggy Ehora agreed.

"We have a dog problem and a breeding problem," she said. "Because folks are looking at breeding these dogs as a means of revenue, and the number of starving dogs in this city is negligent and criminal."

Council President Jamie Dixon said adding the issue to the committee's agenda was an important first step.

"Having this in the committee meeting will show clarity," he said. "As councilor Ehora said, we have a cat issue and we came up with a program. So hopefully we can come up with a similar solution so this doesn't continue to be a nuisance."

The city offers vouchers for residents interested in getting stray cats and dogs spayed and neutered.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.