Lexington County could get $3 million in state funding for a new sports complex

Millions of dollars could be coming to build a new multi-sports recreation complex in Lexington County, if a line item in the state budget ultimately passes into law.

The item included in the state budget would provide $3 million for a new complex that would include multiple athletic facilities.

“It will have eight baseball fields, that will also work with soccer fields and lacrosse fields, and then a multi-sports facility building that will host volleyball, etc.,” said state Sen. Nikki Setzler, D-Lexington, who sponsored the money for the proposed complex.

The money would go to the Lexington County Recreation Commission, which has not yet identified a site for the planned complex.

“It’s something that’s kind of a long-term plan, but we do have multiple locations where it could go,” said Randy Gibson, the executive director of the recreation commission.

The $3 million would go toward identifying and developing a site for the sports complex, Gibson said.

Setzler said he expects the complex to be built in the Cayce/West Columbia area, although officials would not want to identify specific sites before they could acquire a property, he said.

The senator said the complex could potentially be a tourist draw for Lexington County, with the potential to host tournaments and attract traveling sports teams from far and wide.

“They are not only beneficial to the local community but will drive out-of-town, out-of-state teams to come and drive economic development,” Setzler said.

The state Senate approved its version of the budget on Wednesday but will still need approval from the House of Representatives. The legislative session comes to an end on May 9.