Letters from readers: Judge Aileen Cannon tips the scales of justice in defendant Donald Trump's favor

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Cannon overturns the scales of justice

If Donald Trump is elected in November, it was helped by a very biased [U.S. District] Judge Aileen Cannon's delays that ensured Trump would not go to trail before the election. This was always in the cards from the time this case was given to Cannon, who was appointed by Trump. She has already been overruled twice by the [U.S. Eleventh Circuit] Court of Appeals and has done everything possible to delay this trial. But now she takes it further by indefinitely delaying it. I am surprised she hasn’t yet been dismissed this case, though it’s still available if she needs to make sure Trump does not go to trial. Cannon just knows, “justice delayed is justice denied.” She will be judged by history and it won’t be pretty.

Richard Briant, Royal Palm Beach

The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to postpone the documents trial indefinitely has prompted criticism of favoritism to the defendant, former President Donald Trump.
The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to postpone the documents trial indefinitely has prompted criticism of favoritism to the defendant, former President Donald Trump.

Readers View on Trump's judiciary: So much for checks and balances. Trump has the US Supreme Court on lockdown. | Letters

Trump documents case needs a better judge

Judge Aileen Cannon’s delayed and indefinitely postponed hearings in Trump's classified documents case is outside her legal competence and limited trial experience. Her remote Fort Pierce doesn't usually deal with criminal cases involving federal documents. She should be recused from this case and replaced with a more  experienced federal judge from a larger South Florida judicial district..

Harriett Pashman, Jupiter

'Do Not Call' doesn't stop robocalls

Isn't there something that can be done about Medicare-scam telephone calls? Over the past week or so, I have received 10-15 calls a day, even though I am on the "Do Not Call" list. I do feel sympathy because I realize those making the calls are trying to earn a living. However, I am an almost 80-year-old widow of a Vietnam veteran who died as a result of his military service. I thought telling the caller that they should not be calling would be sufficient. Anyone who believes these entities are doing us a favor needs to think about the investment of millions of dollars in TV ads, mailing solicitations and robocalling. Help.

Anita Kirchen, Wellington

Get off the fence; support democracy

If you are a voter who is on the fence for the upcoming presidential election, look no further than the alarming warnings from those who have witnessed first hand Donald Trump’s past behavior while in office. How long did it take for his secretary of state to call him a “moron” or his generals to proclaim that they were, the “adults in the room?” Recently, a chorus of his past advisers and members of his staff have come out to vehemently express their warnings and render him “unfit to be president.” As President Joe Biden’s age comes into question, consider his years of experience, his ability to coalesce an intelligent, capable, diverse group of experts to run our country without drama or a revolving door of positions or indictments. Measure that against 88 felony charges, a sheer show of lies and unhinged divisive rhetoric, a promise to support the far right’s plan to end a woman’s right to choose, a refusal to concede an fair and free election, and his allegiance to Vladimir Putin. Whatever your party’s affiliation, please use common sense and vote to keep our country on this path of democracy.

Nancy Knowlton, Boynton Beach

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Donald Trump gets 'above-the-law' treatment from Judge Aileen Cannon