Letters to the Editor: Time to think for ourselves

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Religion versus Freedom of/from ... don’t let them let you have their way.

The following comes from a caring and well-informed person – Heather Cox-Richardson. We need to start thinking for ourselves.

“The framers of the Constitution quite deliberately excluded religion from the U.S. Constitution. As a young man, James Madison, the key thinker behind the Constitution, had seen his home state of Virginia arrest itinerant preachers for undermining the established church in the state. He came to believe that men had a right to the free exercise of religion.

In 1785, in a “Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments,” he explained that what was at stake was not just religion, but also representative government itself. The establishment of one religion over others attacked a fundamental human right—an unalienable right—of conscience. If lawmakers could destroy the right of freedom of conscience, they could destroy all other unalienable rights. Those in charge of government could throw representative government out the window and make themselves tyrants.”

In my own words, and two words that we need to think about or learn the meaning of: autocracy – plutocracy. So, Bill – Phil – Lee & Betty, et al., … are you really paying attention, or allowing yourselves to be guided by self-indulgence or the will of others?

Finally: “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” – Mark Twain

“When showmanship masquerades as leadership.” – Unknown

Hans (John) Baumann, Swansea

Protests can backfire

The front-page news item in the Feb. 25 edition of your fine newspaper caught my eye, and my pen followed suit.

The pro-Palestinian protest at St. Clair Square reminded me of past demonstrations by other such groups.

Like an old can of beans, it could backfire on them. Past protests, which were held between Mondays and Fridays, negatively affected the ebb and flow of early morning and late afternoon car traffic. A sure way to turn public opinion against you.

I realize this incident took place on a Saturday, but some shopping enthusiasts were turned away, costing stores money and patrons time and money.

Not to mention the fact that the genocide of the entire Israeli nation is in Hamas’ charter.

Frank Conrath, Belleville

Trump is dangerous

Under Joe Biden’s term in office, the predicted recession did not happen. Inflation is slowing; unemployment is low. Gas prices are going down; the cost of medications are lower, and the supply chain problems of the pandemic are being solved.

Biden’s infrastructure bill is creating jobs that will help the environment and build roads, bridges, sewer systems, etc., in every state. Interest rates are going down, and contrary to Donald Trump’s prediction, the stock market is at an all-time high.

Yet the polls show people are still concerned about the economy, thanks to the right-wing media messengers of doom.

The Biden administration has a plan to improve the lives of American families and uphold the principles of democracy. Republicans have no plan but to bow to the authoritarian whims of their cult leader, Trump.

While Biden has experts in his cabinet and as his advisors, Trump plans to appoint only sycophants and will not listen to experts or follow any established rules.

He plans to undo international agreements that keep democratic countries surviving and the climate from disintegrating. He wants to effectively close the border with no regard for people desperately seeking asylum. He plans to investigate and harass his enemies like the Bidens, the media, the justice system, federal institutions and any mass demonstrators. He’s proven that he has no regard for top-secret documents. Who has been allowed access to them, and how will he handle them in the future.

Trump is a danger to national security and democracy.

Judy Neel, Belleville