Letters to the editor for Saturday, April 6, 2024

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Dangerous TikTok challenge

My community in North Naples has experienced the TikTok challenge of banging on doors again. Being that I was traumatized my entire life from a brutal home invasion rape, I am bravely writing this letter to ask all the teenagers doing this to STOP.! My first experience was the day after my mother died in 2022. I was already crying and then something hammered my front door, it sounded like a home invasion. They actually hit my door so hard it cracked. I called the sheriff and four sheriff cars came out. Now we are experiencing this TikTok challenge again. It’s not just me, it’s my 80+ year old neighbors that I am worried about. They had it happen three times. I’m worried for their safety and these teenagers (girls the first time and now boys caught on a ring cam video) what if someone has a heart attack or someone decides to protect their property or self and actually shoots the teen?!! Florida gun laws are pretty lax now. So is this really fun? Scaring people. On the video the ring cam shows this guy was filming himself and the scene. I’m enraged. Just another reason to ban TikTok. If you have a teenager please sit down and discuss this issue. It’s not funny. Please young people! Find something else to entertain yourselves. Are you a follower or a leader? We need more young leaders in America!Grow up. I hope they are caught and forced to do community service!

Lisa Dellicker, Naples

House in disarray

It is upsetting to see House Republicans in total disarray and accomplishing very little in this session of Congress.  I put most of the blame on the conservative Freedom Caucus who are well meaning but refuse to count votes on issues they support. Their proposals are too conservative to attract Democrats. “My way or the highway” achieves nothing but widens the division with Republicans.  Advice!!!! “When you’re in a hole, stop digging.”

I applaud Speaker Johnson for maintaining his sanity trying to be productive for the American people.  With a narrow Republican majority and inability to reach Republican consensus the conservative speaker  is trying to work not only with his divided Republican House but also with Democrats striving for a bipartisan compromise with some success.

Former Speaker Pelosi on occasion also had a small Democratic majority but was able to achieve several landmark measures.  Even where Democrats differ, they share a governing philosophy to improve the lives of Americans and compromise among themselves to achieve that end.  Ronald Reagan believed that too but many in the Republican Party today do not.  He also said “Thou shall not speak ill of another Republican” to get things done.

Frank Mazur, Fort Myers

Flood insurance

I canceled my flood insurance because I don't think, for my location, it's really worth it. But if you have the need I suppose it's your call. However, what's a 25% increase really amount to? I have yet to see what that increase equates to in a dollar amount for the average home in Lee County. My cost, when cancelled was about $650 a year, so it would have cost about $130 more per year. While I'm not saying that's an insubstantial amount but how much hoopla does it require? Did the local government officials drop the ball? Maybe but consider this, as I understand it FEMA is objecting to homes being repaired without meeting current codes. Did your home get repaired --"on the QT" meaning without a permit? If so then you're the reason FEMA has this problem. Don't complain about increased flood insurance costs if you fit this profile. Some people always pay for the acts of others − fact of life. I've always wondered why FEMA has any say in our local building issues. If you have a house built in the 60's, 70's or 80's (like mine) isn't it unreasonable to expend the kind of money FEMA requires to bring a damaged home to the current code or elevation levels? How many older home in the SE Cape, Fort Myers Beach, or Island Park have this problem?Are you being forced by the U.S. government to sell your property because of this requirement?

Kelly Lashley, Fort Myers

Trump not the clear choice

In an earlier letter to the editor, a writer indicated that “Trump is the clear choice.” Unfortunately the author had rather selective memory of Mr. Trump. Some of these have already been mentioned, others are noted here. The author complained of the disaster at the southern border but neglected to mention that the U.S. Senate had a bill that would have solved much of the issues, but Trump told the speaker of the House to not bring the bill up for a vote because he wanted to use it as a campaign issue rather than solve a problem. Trump admires Putin, Orban, and other dictators and prevented a vote in the House for military support to Ukraine so he could again use it as a campaign issue. This will result in numerous deaths of brave Ukrainians and could result in Putin attacking NATO countries which would result in U.S. soldiers’ deaths in Europe. Of course, Trump believes Americans who die in wars are suckers and losers, saying to John Kelly, his former chief of staff, whose own son died in Afghanistan, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them.” The author does not mention that no former Trump administration personnel will endorse him, not his cabinet members, none of the multiple personnel who quit after Jan. 6 , and not his loyal vice president who was almost hung during Jan. 6, an insurrection planned by Trump and his election deniers.  In contrast, President Biden just had a fundraiser with former President Clinton and Obama and has been endorsed by numerous previous Democratic and Republican administration personnel. No former Republican president will support Trump for good reason. Four criminal indictments and adjudicated for sexual assault as well as defamation and fraud.

Phil Howard, Sanibel

Common decency or chaos?

What would you do if your family was threatened that your son would be killed and your daughter raped if your family didn’t side with a particular gang? You know these threats are true because you’ve seen it happen to your neighbors. Would you stay and wait, or would you try to remove your family to find a safe place to live? Unfortunately, thousands of families are in this situation as we speak. Are these people really animals as our former disgraced president likes to proclaim at his rallies? Does someone become an animal simply because they want to save their family? The same impeached president, who is adjudicated guilty of sex crimes, and who has the nerve to call desperate families animals is now hawking Bibles to help cover his legal expenses! Does any person of faith really think that calling families in dire straits animals is something that Jesus would do? This sick man has even stated on Easter that he is being persecuted just like our savior was. I truly cannot see why people think this charlatan is fit to be our president again. The only reason I can think of is the famous quote by PT Barium, "There’s a sucker born every minute.” And let’s not forget we had a bipartisan deal which conservatives said was “the most conservative border deal in decades,” but it was killed by this disgraced individual who is the self-proclaimed “ultimate Christian!” We could already be two months into solving the border problem but the GOP won’t allow it. Why you might ask, they didn’t even vote on this bill, so Republicans can complain about the border throughout the election season. Because of this, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that the border problem is now the sole responsibility of the Republican Party, not of President Biden! We have a huge choice for our country this November. We can stay the course as inflation is dropping, the economy is getting back on track, and we have a leader with common decency, or we can go back to a foul-mouthed loser who surrounds himself with chaos. I sure know who I’ll be voting for!

Jim Propert, Fort Myers

No sense of decency

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross!"

While the originator of this quote remains uncertain (often attributed to acclaimed author Sinclair Lewis) its prescience is instructive and nightmarish, especially in the time of Trump. I assume that carrying and peddling a cross at Easter is even too much for him, but a Bible waving the American flag for $59.99 (plus tax, shipping and handling) is a lucrative substitute. Elmer Gantry would be proud.

To borrow Joseph Welch's indictment of Joe McCarthy during the notorious 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings: '"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?  Have you left no sense of decency?"     

In the 1930s the Germans and the Italians were warned about fascism, to no avail.

Are we Americans next?

Ed OKeefe, Bonita Springs

Be a Plain Dealer

On March 30, 2024, Chris Quinn, the editor for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, wrote an editorial in which he stated:

“The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information.“The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse.  This is not subjective.  We all saw it.”

The editor went on to say: “Biden has done nothing remotely close to the egregious, anti-American acts of Trump.”  “The facts involving Trump are crystal clear, and as news people, we cannot pretend otherwise, as unpopular as that might be with a segment of our readers,” he wrote.

When will Gannett speak such words of honesty?  When will the Naples Daily News write a similar editorial?   It is high time to broadcast that “the emperor has no clothes.” Please print two truths:

The first truth: That the 2020 presidential election was not stolen: 62 lawsuits have concluded that the election was not stolen and were dismissed.

The second truth: That the happenings at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an insurrection. Testimony before Congress, graphic, real life videos, and the criminal convictions of 749 participants call for another headline: “The events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 constituted an insurrection, an attempt to thwart the Constitution and to take over the government all in violation of our Constitution.”

Joe Haack, Naples

No Trump second term

One of the more chilling features of a prospective second term for former President Trump stems from his pledge to pardon the January 6th rioters whom he and his acolytes variously describe as “patriots,” “heroes,” and “hostages.”

Imagine the havoc that exoneration of those approximately 750 miscreants would unleash if their misbehavior is condoned, indeed encouraged, by the next administration.

Their criminality would not only be excused, perhaps justified, but they and others of their ilk would be given a free pass going forward to conduct themselves similarly, or worse, without any effort by federal authorities to deter or sanction their misconduct. To compound matters, states and local units of government controlled by MAGA authorities might be inclined to do likewise, resulting in an epidemic of lawless behavior disrupting the political process and social order much like the goons who comprised Mussolini’s fascist blackshirts and the Nazi brownshirts of years past.

This constitutes yet another reason, if any more are needed, to prevent by any permissible means the resurrection of another term for the former president.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

Can Trump get fair trial?

To my good friend who submitted a letter (Trump's legal delays - 4/3) asking if Donald Trump is so convinced of his innocence in the 91 counts against him why wouldn't he ask for speedy trials so he can move forward in his election campaign.

May I ask my friend if he believes Donald Trump would get a fair trial in New York City? May I ask my friend if he believes Donald Trump would get a fair trial in Washington, D.C.? May I ask my friend if he believes Donald Trump would get a fair trial in Fulton County, Georgia? A county which Joe Biden won by an almost a three to one margin? I'll take my chances with his Florida classified records case though. At least he shouldn't have a tainted jury pool.

Rick Manuel, Dade City

Left's immigration goal

Illegal immigration has been out of control since Biden took office. The message was out that the border was open from day one. As a matter of fact, many of the illegals were wearing Biden T-shirts as they crossed the border.In three short years since Biden took office, nine million have entered this country illegally. The Left’s insidious goal is to eventually gain amnesty for these illegals and allow them to vote. Their thought is that this population would overwhelmingly vote Democrat.The Biden administration is spending more than a billion dollars a year to pay for these illegals' food, shelter and medical expenses. This is a travesty and a slap in the face to our own citizens who are homeless and those who have served in our military let alone our taxpayers. This money could also be better spent by replacing our crumbling infrastructure.Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security czar, is openly defying the immigration laws of our country and should be impeached. Don’t let the Left fool by telling you that their hands are tied because Congress hasn’t passed comprehensive immigration laws. What’s the end game for the amount of illegals the Democrats are willing to allow into this country. Is it 30 million or maybe 50 million? These numbers are unstainable and will lead to the destruction of this country as we know it. This is what the Left needs in order to achieve their goal of a permanent one party socialist government.

Leon Sabalunas, Naples

Maintaining power

President Vladimir Putin is at it again. Leading political dissident, Alexei Navalny, the possible challenger to Putin in Russia's upcoming presidential election, has mysteriously died in prison. Navalny is certainly not the first Putin challenger to meet such an unfortunate fate and no doubt will not be the last. Isn't it great in America that candidates for public office can run for election without fear. Certainly no political faction within our country would ever conspire to keep a candidate off the ballot through any means possible to maintain power. Well, maybe one would.

Don Rader, Naples

An American Putin

Vladimir Putin's net worth has been estimated in the $200,000.000.000 range. And they say crime doesn't pay!He may be the richest person on the planet, and somewhere around 102% of his wealth has been stolen from the Russian people. No wonder he has little Donny in his pocket. All that money, all that unchecked power, this guy is Trump's definition of a winner. Well, sure, there is all that oppression, torture and murder stuff, too, but how ya gonna make wine without crushin' a few grapes. And anyway, none of the above troubles our boy, Donny. He learned at his daddy's knee that there are only killers and losers. And in the Trump family lexicon, Putin is the former and Alexei Navalny the latter.And this is the guy significant numbers of Americans want back in the Oval Office? A fella only a couple of billion dishonest bucks and one Black Sea dacha away from becoming an American Putin. A boy with a hopeless crush on a murderous, autocratic thug. Please, we can do better than Vlad's little Donny. In truth, it's hard to imagine how we might do worse, short of cutting to the chase and electing Putin himself.

Geremy Spampinato, Naples

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Saturday, April 6, 2024