Letters to the Editor: The Republican silence is deafening

Former President Donald Trump, shown in April 20, 2020  speaking at the White House.
Former President Donald Trump, shown in April 20, 2020 speaking at the White House.

Trump brought classified documents home;

where are the law-and-order Republicans?

The Republican silence is deafening. Hillary’s use of her private email server caused screams of “Lock her up,” condemnation and turmoil that it shook the very foundations of Washington.

Now we learn that Trump ripped up documents and that his aides had to tape them back together. We are also learning that Trump brought 15 boxes of documents home with him. Although those documents were not secure, some were marked as classified The final insult was Trump flushing documents down the toilet.

Where is Ted Cruz? Where is Louie Gohmert? Where is Ken Paxton? Where is Gov. Abbott? Where are any of those law-and-order Republicans? Their silence and is a threat to our democracy.

Can I get a “Lock him up"?

Randy Broussard, Temple

Relying on print sources in search

for factual and complete reporting

Re: Feb. 12 commentary, "How to lose your audience."

I agree with Kathleen Parker's analysis of the change at CNN since its inception back in the early '80s. However, she shouldn't forget what has happened over at Fox.

It's changed from "We report, you decide" to entertainment and editorializing, leaving me and thousands like me wondering where to go for actual, factual and complete reporting. Too often the talking heads leave out important information and context in order to slant the reporting in a particular way.

It leaves me shaking my head. Oh, by the way, I have eschewed CNN, Fox, MSNBC and the other cable sources, and search written sources of news such as the Statesman, but still wonder if I am getting the entire story. Fortunately, I am retired and have the time to search multiple sources of information in order to get the full story. Sorry that the rest of the country does not have that luxury.

John Williams, Hutto

It's unfair to blame Biden for how

the war ended in Afghanistan

Re: Feb. 13 commentary, "Why is Ukraine America's problem?"

I know Marc Thiessen’s column runs under the category “From the Right” but he has gone overboard in blaming President Biden for the unfortunate ending of the war in Afghanistan.

His criticism is known as the “Johnny at the Bat” theory. Poor Johnny is at bat in the bottom of the ninth with two outs. Alas, Johnny goes down swinging. And the cries arise from the crowd, “Johnny lost the game for us” and “Kick Johnny off the team.” Never mind that Johnny made only one out of 27 outs.

Yes, our president made the last out but he was preceded by Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, any one who could have ended the game themselves. President Biden inherited a fait accompli from Trump’s misguided schedule to abandon Afghanistan.

Tom Thornell, Lockhart

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Austin American-Statesman Letters to the Editor: Feb. 19, 2022