Letters to the editor: The real chaos is with Trump; the danger of Project 2025

Chaos guaranteed with Trump

Re: Eric Bolland’s May 19 letter, “American chaos under Biden”:

I have laughed at much generated by MAGAs but this letter takes the cake. I have no idea where the writer of this letter gets his “facts,” but it must be from a comedy writer. Chaos is guaranteed under another regime led by Trump. Putin will be idolized, Ukraine and its democracy will be abandoned, Trump’s wall will, once again, not be built, etc.

I will not go into all the accomplishments of President Biden’s presidency, but they are all easy to be found if you want facts and not political buffoonery. The only way to save our country is to re-elect President Biden.

Jim Shahan, Oak Park

Beware of Project 2025

Re: Todd Collart’s May 8 letter, “U.S. can learn from Israeli failure,” and Eric Bolland’s May 19 letter, “American chaos under Biden”:

Justice For All Ventura County, along with Indivisible Ventura, will be discussing Project 2025, the plan that lays out Trump’s second term, on June 22. Information is available at www.justiceforallvc.org.

The danger of a Trump second term is obvious. During his presidency he told more than 30,000 lies, tried to overthrow the peaceful transition of power, and spews Nazi hate speech.

As to some of the policies Mr. Bolland referenced, we shouldn’t forget that it was Republicans who caved to Trump’s pressure to reject the bi-partisan immigration bill. Concern about Title IX is a ruse to divert the public’s attention from important matters. Transgender youth ages 13-17 represent only 1.4% of the population, and the number of those who are women athletes is insignificant. Less than 1% of all abortions take place after 24 weeks, most due to fetal abnormalities or threats to a mother’s life. The bogus claim of “abortions after birth” is nonsensical. 2020 was the most secure vote ever and Trump’s 60-plus court cases contesting this were tossed.

Apparently, Mr. Bollard forgot that this country institutionalized racism, otherwise why would we need the 13th and 14th Amendments, Brown v Board of Education, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to name a few. CRT and DEI are the names given to efforts to help us reckon and correct past mistakes.

As for protecting democracy, Republicans stalled aid to Ukraine for six months. And, as for Israel, Biden has repeated his support of Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas’ Oct. 7th massacre while working to stop the humanitarian disaster that has killed 35,000 Palestinians and leveled 80% of Gaza. Project 2025 lays out what’s in store for this country. Beware.

Miriam Mack, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: The real chaos is with Trump; the danger of Project 205