Letters to the Editor: 'All men are created equal' -- abortion foes really mean men

PHOENIX, AZ - APRIL 16, 2024: Arizona residents rally for abortion rights on a street corner Tuesday on the heels of the Arizona's Supreme Court decision enacting an 1864 law banning abortion on April 16, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
Arizona residents rally for abortion rights in Phoenix on April 16. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: "All men are created equal" — it seems that "they" really mean all men. ("Pregnant women are not incubators. Antiabortion states should not deny them emergency care," editorial, April 24)

Men would not stand for being denied treatment for prostate cancer or cancer of the genitals because their sperm are considered human beings. They would not stand for being told that they could not have a vasectomy for the same reason.

Why are men allowed control over what they do with their bodies, but women, supposedly equal under the law, are denied the same control?

Susan Greenberg, Los Angeles

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.