Letter to the editor: Opinion column was offensive to Christians

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The Passion of Christ is the most solemn and sacred belief of Christians. Charita Goshay's March 24 opinion column compared the choice between Barabbas and Jesus to our present election. Trump is not Barabbas, and Biden is not Jesus. Though she states at the end of the piece that she is comparing Trump to truth, it is very clear that she is trying to get voters to pick Biden over Trump. This is deeply offensive to me as a Christian.

Donald Trump presidency: secure borders, excellent economy, and our enemies feared us. Joe Biden presidency: open borders allowing terrorists and known criminals to walk across, high inflation that hurts everyone, Iran brazenly attacking our troops, our enemies do not fear us, children being harmed by the trans agenda.

Religion has been taken out of our schools. Priests and ministers must not tell people how to vote. Religion cannot interfere with government. But Ms. Goshay is using the Passion of Christ in desperation that Trump might win the presidential election. She has lost all credibility as the Repository religion reporter.

Trump is not Barabbas. Biden is not Jesus. Ms. Goshay owes people of faith and Trump voters an apology.

Debra Scaia, Plain Township

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Letter to the editor: Opinion column was offensive to Christians