Let This 17-Year-Old School You on How to Take a Truly Epic Senior Picture

From Cosmopolitan

Rising high school senior Tyra Hunt told BuzzFeed her kindergarten photo (pictured above left) is a bit of a legend in her family. As a child, she had to be convinced to smile(-ish) by her mom off camera. The result was so great, the picture remained displayed in her living room for the next 12 years. So when her Kentwood, Michigan, high school gave her the opportunity to get creative with her senior pic, she decided to recreate the OG one.

After posting the two almost identical pictures to Twitter, Tanya's feed blew up. The above tweet has been retweeted more than 31,000 times and liked close to 100,000 times. It's prompted hundreds of "LMAO SAME" comments and post their own versions of her throwback.

So many #cool teens. So much internet. Enjoy your youth senior year, guys!

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