Labour would make Britain less secure in every way

Rishi Sunak
Rishi Sunak

When I became Prime Minister, my most immediate task was to restore economic stability. Inflation was in double digits and our country had been rocked by Covid and then Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which sent energy prices soaring. Today, inflation is back to normal, energy bills are falling, and our economy is growing faster than anyone predicted, outpacing Germany, France and the United States in the first few months of this year.

With this economic stability created, it is right that you now make a choice: who can best lead this country to a secure future? Do we build on the progress we have made or do we risk going back to square one with Labour?

The world is increasingly uncertain. An axis of authoritarian states is threatening our national security and our economic future. Putin will not stop at Ukraine if he succeeds there – and his war has made all too clear the risks to our energy security.

In the Middle East, Iran and its Islamist extremist proxies threaten regional and, ultimately, global stability. These tensions are exploited by extremists here at home who seek to undermine our values and divide our society. China is looking to dominate the 21st century by stealing a lead in technology and creating a dominant position in the industries of the future, and migration is being exploited by our enemies to threaten the integrity of our borders.

In this increasingly uncertain world, it will take a clear plan and bold action to deliver the secure future that our country deserves. We Conservatives have that: Labour do not.

Labour offer only uncertainty. Indeed, the only certainty with them is that they will run out of your money, as socialists always do, and raise your taxes. There is already a black hole in Labour’s spending plans that means every working household will have to pay £2,000 extra in taxes.

On issue after issue, the choice between us and Labour is clear. We offer bold action, they do not.

Take immigration: we are determined to reduce immigration and stop the boats with our Rwanda scheme. The plans are in place, the flights will go, but only if you vote Conservative on July 4, because Labour would stop the flights. What was their first policy announcement of this campaign? That they would cancel the Rwanda flights on day one.

Labour would scrap the whole Rwanda partnership and enact a de facto amnesty for illegal migrants. This would make this country a magnet for every illegal immigrant in Europe.

At just the moment when more and more of our neighbours are getting tough on illegal migration, Labour would make us the soft touch capital of Europe. Labour would make our country less secure in every way.

The uncertainty that Labour would bring is only compounded by the fact you simply don’t know what you are going to get with Sir Keir Starmer. He has junked every pledge he made when he was campaigning to be Labour leader. How do you know he wouldn’t repeat the trick if he became prime minister? If he hasn’t got the courage to stand up and say what he believes in, how can he stand up for Britain?

There are big issues at stake in this election. Do we continue cutting taxes or raise taxes on working households as Labour would do? Do we prioritise energy security and your family’s finances in our approach to net zero or put environmental dogma first as Sir Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband would. And, above all, how do we give this country the secure future it deserves?

I want to debate these issues with Sir Keir Starmer. But he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t have a plan and doesn’t have the courage to say what he wants to do.

Ultimately, this election is about who you trust, in these uncertain times, to chart a course to a secure future. We Conservatives have a clear plan and are prepared to take the bold action necessary to deliver that secure future for our United Kingdom.

Rishi Sunak is the Prime Minister

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