Justin Bieber Was Sad on Valentine's Day

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Photo credit: Getty

From Cosmopolitan

Apparently Justin Bieber has not gotten the message that Valentine’s Day is a pretend holiday that doesn’t really matter, because Thursday, he took to Instagram (thank god he’s back) to share his thoughts on subject. “I got no food, I got no job, our pets heads are falling off, and I got no Valentine!” he said in an Instagram story. “All I ever wanted was a Valentine. But now I don’t even have a Valentine!” Granted, this is partially a quote from Dumb & Dumber, but his choice of movie says it all. A man in love would have picked something more romantic for his quote source than the tale of Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne - something like “Love means never having to say you’re sorry” or “You had me at hello.” And if he truly didn’t care about being single, he could have just refrained from posting anything at all. After all, I believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt who said, “No one can make you feel inferior on a made-up holiday without your consent.”

Anyway, Justin can’t be that sad, because he made this face at a Grammy party Friday hosted by his friend Poo Bear. Be well, Justin. Be well.

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Photo credit: Getty

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