Josephine Skriver on What It's Like to Be a Model at Fashion Week

6:00 A.M. — Time to Get Up

My alarm clock goes off! Time to get up and get the day started. My first show of the day isn't too early, so I get to sleep in a little later than usual.

6:30 A.M. — Morning Work Out

I get in a quick workout before my first call time

7:00 A.M — Get Dressed

Since I'm just doing shows and no castings today, I pick out a street style friendly outfit that's fun and a little out there so I get noticed by the street style photographers.

7:30 A.M. — Breakfast

For some good morning energy, I eat oatmeal on the go with some nuts and berries. My first show is close to my hotel, so I decide to walk and take in the crisp fall weather. It's nice to get a few minutes before shows and get a little bit of fresh air.

8:00 A.M. — Check In

Here we go! I get to my first show, check in, and get started on hair and makeup. While sitting in the makeup chair, I put in my headphones to zone out and prepare for the show.

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9:00 A.M. — Hair & Makeup

A bunch of friends I've made from over the years are here and we chat and catch up before the madness begins. I actually met two of my closest friends, Romee and Jasmine, at the Louis Vuitton show almost five years ago now. Time really does fly!

10:00 A.M. — Runway Ready

I go through my looks to make sure I'm comfortable walking in all of them.

10:30 A.M. — Show's About to Start!

Standing in line waiting to make my entrance, I pull back my shoulders, take a deep breath, and walk.

12:00 P.M. — Quick Snack

After my first show, I realize I definitely won't have time for lunch today, so in order to stave off my hanger (I get really hangry), I eat a quick power bar to keep up my energy. My fashion week bag is always stuffed with snacks!

12:30 P.M. — Show #2

Off to the next show! As you can probably tell, there aren't too many breaks during Fashion Week.

1:00 P.M. — Check In

I check in at my next show and go through the hair and makeup process again. I dig through my bag for more snacks and settle on mixed nuts and fruit.

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2:30 P.M. — Runway Ready

Time to line up backstage! Even though I've walked in more shows than I can count, I always get a feeling of excited nervousness before stepping onto the catwalk—in the best way possible!

5:30 P.M. — Travel to the Next Show

My next show is a little too far to walk to so I take a car instead and eat some more snacks on the way (I told you my bag is full of goodies!).

6:00 P.M. — Check In

Here we go again! Time to check in and do hair and makeup. I catch up with some friends backstage, we're all a little delirious from no sleep at this point, but we all agree it's definitely worth it for the thrill of Fashion Week!

7:30 P.M. — Runway Ready

Last cat walk of the day! I'm so exhausted but I get a second wind from the high energy and exciting vibes.

9:30 P.M. — The After Party

I don't have any fittings tonight which means I have time to go to an after-party! I love to catch up with my friends and spend some time with them off of the runway. I spritz on some of Victoria's Secret's newest fragrance, Love, and head over to the arfter-party venue. One of my favorite after-party memories was from the Versace after-party with Prince. Seeing him in real life was such a highlight.

2:00 A.M. — Time to Go Home

I head back to my hotel, and I'm SO ready to get into bed. I have to savor the few hours of sleep I get this week!

2:30 A.M. — Getting Ready for Bed

I ALWAYS take my makeup off at the end of the day, and I decide to skip a night time mask tonight. Instead, I put on heavy face cream. You have to be careful of overdoing it because your skin is really sensitive from all the different makeup coming on and off your face all day.

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3:00 A.M. — Finally, Time to Sleep

I go to bed (with my phone on loud just in case I get an emergency call to meet with a designer). Fashion never really sleeps!

You have no idea what you're going into and you kind of go with the flow and you look back and you're like "how did I survive that?" But then two weeks later you're like, "I cannot wait to be back." You do all of it because of the rush you get walking on the runway. All the lights and people staring at you, and all the glitz, it's worth it all. I always think, "I'm part of this??" I am so grateful I got to do it and still am. Being out on that runway, nobody can ever take that feeling away from you.