InterServ celebrates past, present at annual meeting

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May 20—InterServ staff, board members and volunteers came together Monday to celebrate the organization's accomplishments over the past year.

InterServ Executive Director Brett King said the annual meeting's theme of "then and now" was sparked after they found archived achievements in storage.

"We went back into our archives and saw things that happened for InterServ way back in the day. And we said, you know, we did some good things back then. Let's try to bring that back into what we're doing now and try to celebrate both what we're currently doing and what we did in the past," King said.

In a review of the year, its senior meals program has given out 61,000 home-delivered meals, more than 40,000 people have been in and out of the InterServ building, $17,000 went toward food assistance programs, and its senior tax program refunded over $900,000.

As guests ate dinner, individuals Joyce Edwards and Danielle McGaughy along with Wyatt Park Christian Church were honored with the David G. Berger Award given to those in the community that make a difference.

Board President Cheryl Anderson said there is no singular accomplishment that she is most proud of, but she is looking forward to the overall growth of InterServ.

"We want to be for the community to be able to help to service them in a way that will help their lives be better," Anderson said.

Director of Operations Randy Sharp is also proud of the growth and enjoys the staff and volunteers that surround her.

"Every person who works here is here for their own personal reasons, but those reasons are very good reasons. They all are here to help people and they're just absolutely amazing," Sharp said.

The organization will celebrate 115 years of service on Nov. 9 of this year.