Inside Britain's magnificent Tree Cathedral - and five more arboreal structures

The Cathedral of Trees is free to enter - Andrew Coupe
The Cathedral of Trees is free to enter - Andrew Coupe

In the summer, you hardly know you’ve arrived.

In the winter it’s more obvious, because the bare bones of the trees are visible, their leaves now a brownish mulch on the ground.

Even so, it takes a minute for the mind to make sense of the fact that you are looking not at a grove but at a nave. Trees soar upwards in feathery arches – tall limes, dark cypresses and strong-veined hornbeam almost meeting in the middle – with cedars and more creepy cypresses standing sentinel at the ‘west front’, always the grand entrance to a cathedral.

Stroll down the paved path in the middle and you reach a transept outlined in pines and hedging. Marking the crossing is a ‘tower’ of four Californian redwoods, which will reach full maturity many years from now, leading to the choir, altar and a triple-lobed sanctuary of ash and poplar, oak, silver maple, limes, flowering cherries and apples.

The Cathedral of Trees from above - Credit: The Parks Trust
The Cathedral of Trees from above Credit: The Parks Trust

Or so the diagram said: I very quickly got muddled, despite being reasonably competent when it comes to tree recognition. Not that it mattered. I arrived on my own and had the whole rustling, tranquil green space to myself. And I did manage to identify the raised Chapter House, outlined in laurel hedging.

The Cathedral of Trees was planted in 1986 in Newlands, just north-east of central Milton Keynes. It’s the perfect symbol of the ‘forest city’ planned by the New Town’s Development Corporation in 1967, which has since grown to contain 20 million trees, shrubs and plants. 

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Neil Higson, the landscape architect who designed this organic space, based it on the 900-year old monastic cathedral church at Norwich, with its elegant nave, lower flanking aisles, tall transepts and rocket-shaped pinnacles at the four corners of its tower and spire.

It’s not the first tree cathedral; there’s another one at Whipsnade in Bedfordshire, owned by the National Trust and created by Edmund K Blyth, an infantryman in the First World War, who planted it to commemorate fallen comrades. And he was inspired by the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool, as well as the sight of coppiced trees in glowing dusk light.

famous trees puff

These days, Milton Keynes’ 6,000 acres of green space are protected by the independent not-for-profit Parks Trust, which took over 25 years ago and maintains the cathedral. The latter is used for services, blessings, celebrations and green burials marked only by flowers.

It’s such a perfect idea: an architectural and spiritual space defined by growing forms. It constantly changes, and yet remains the same. And it’s a half-hour walk from Central MK.

The Cathedral of Trees ( is found between the A509 and Gulliver’s Lane theme park, just west of Willen Lake, and is free to enter.

Five more tree structures in Britain

1. The Whipsnade Tree Cathedral ( ) is open from dawn to dusk (car park 9 am to 4 pm) and holds a service every June.

2. The Dark Hedges, Ballymoney, Co Antrim ( is a tunnel of sinuous, twisted beech trees, planted by the Stuart family in the eighteenth century and so photogenic that they doubled as the King’s Road in Game of Thrones.

The Dark Hedges, arguably one of the most famous roads in the UK - Credit: Getty
The Dark Hedges, arguably one of the most famous roads in the UK Credit: Getty

3. The Treehouse, Alnwick Castle, Northumberland ( ): avenues and topiary don’t quite cut it in the 21st century, so the Duchess of Northumberland commissioned one of the largest treehouses in the world for the Alnwick Garden, made of Canadian cedar, English and Scots pine and Scandinavian redwood. It contains a restaurant and bar. Online tickets £7.33 adults, £5.55 concessions, £4.18 children 5 to 16, under 5s free.  

4. Laburnum Tunnel, Brodnant, Conwy ( ) is a 140-year old pergola walkway that creates a waterfall of yellow blossoms every spring.

A stroll through Clipsham Yews - Credit: Getty
A stroll through Clipsham Yews Credit: Getty

5. Clipsham Yews, near Oakham, Rutland ( ) is an avenue of 150 rotund yew trees that flanked the carriage drive to the local stately in the eighteenth century, eccentrically carved into shapes and to commemorate local events.